These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

W6 - 5 Maple Square

A/N: Wew! Let me just say ahead of time that this entry was grueling. This is a huge family, in fact, I think it may the biggest I've ever handled. I'll apologize upfront, I know some of you really get a kick out of the scrapbook pages that accompany a birthday, but with so many birthdays in this family this week, I decided to use premade pages for all birthdays except the teens. Sorry folks, but those pages each take me about 3 or 4 hours to make. This is probably the only house where you will see me get that lazy, but the amount of birthdays this week was enough to kill a horse.

Last time there were more nanny problems for the family and a lot of birthdays. Piper became a teen, and mere moments later Patricia and Benjamin became children. Good thing too since Aremis and Tina had been busy AGAIN. Piper studied all weekend and then was finally allowed some time to bond with her siblings right before Christmas arrived. The headmaster was invited but a glitch prevented the visit, after which, Piper left for Sim State University.

Tuesday (Winter)

Is it so very wrong that I'd like to have some sims who are destined to be into Arts & Crafts?

Hmm, another tinkerer, it seems like my sims like to marry tinkerers.

"BFFs? That's awesome!"
Well, to me it's a bit of a childish thing, but I have no complaints because as it is my Popularity sims have very little time for their children since they're constantly trying to maintain their friendships.

"Mr, I really need my kids to get into Private School, so try not to get stuck like last time, ok?"

Good girl Patricia, show off for the Headmaster.

Of course, Amanda and Marcus decided to grow up right in the middle of the visit. I missed Amanda's grow-up all together.

Marcus at least had the courtesy to come downstairs to grow up.

RL-Marcus says there is absolutely no way a sim named after him is walking around dressed that way, so off they go for makeovers.

Amanda Rainseeker
Aspiration: Family
LTW: Have 6 Grandchildren
Neat-4, Outgoing-9, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-6
Turn-Ons: Formal Wear & Makeup, Turn-Off: Stink

Marcus Rainseeker
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become Hand of Poseidon
Neat-4, Outgoing-10, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-3
Turn-Ons: Fatness & Formal Wear, Turn-Off: Hats

Tina, I wish you wouldn't risk your life that way when you're carrying a child.

Wednesday (Winter)

Snow Day!!!
FYI, Marcus is blue because when this house was built originally the upstairs bedrooms where built under the roof, which the game seems to read as outside. I went back and fixed it so that the roofs covering the bedrooms are actually made up of three parts and the outer wall is now a real wall not a roof wall.

I half think this family should start a band or a dance troupe or something. The only one currently living here who isn't into Music & Dance is Tina.

Ah Orlando, my old stand-by for Family sims, I'm so glad you wandered by.

Orlando is almost as easy as Meadow. He'd never even met Amanda before today.

Tina, your timing sucks big time!

"For crying out loud Mom! Not another baby!"

Welcome Elaine Rainseeker!
(named for my maternal grandmother)

Welcome Isabelle Rainseeker!
(named for one of my cousins)

For those of you counting along with me, that makes 7 out of 10 children, but time is running out for Tina, so she's turning to one of the strange glowing potions created by the Maxis gods. Yes, I know EA bought out Maxis, but this was created when Maxis was still in charge of the sims.

Now this is odd, Isabelle's shadow is floating above her instead of below her.

Not only does the family apparently have two nannies, which they can't afford, but they got the bad nannies, Kendal and Calista.

How in the world did you find time to earn a silver badge Tina?

Thursday (Winter)

It seems a bit strange to me that little Miss Goth here turned out to be a family sim.

Thank the gods, you're home!!

Time to grow up those babies.
Then of course, the diaper glitch. It seems like most of the babies of Knowlton require two birthday cakes each.

Friday (Spring)

Happy Birthday Elaine!

Elaine Rainseeker
Neat-4, Outgoing-9, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-6

The only good thing about the birthday glitch is that I can allow Tina to concentrate on Elaine for now, and do Isabelle after Elaine is down for a nap.

Cute, a toddler with a predestined hobby, not that I'm surprised.

Isabelle Rainseeker
Neat-4, Outgoing-10, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-3

Yup, huge surprise there.
Isabelle actually required THREE birthday cakes. This is getting a little ridiculous. Tina should be very grateful to me, because she is the only family sim who will be getting to fulfill an impossible want.

Saturday (Spring)

Ah, how sweet, they're going steady.

There's actually a lot more going on in this house than you, the readers, get to see. Most of the time I'm just too busy trying to keep everyone happy to take too many photos.

Time to go Marcus, this house is too full.

The one constant is that there is ALWAYS someone on the piano, and almost always someone using the barre. Tina on the other hand has spent the last few days toddler skilling and energizing.

Don't you two ever quit?

Why thank you very much Orlando! The family was getting fairly low on funds again!

Finally, a shot of the twins together.

Sunday (Spring)

Seeya later Alligator!
Your teen years were short but sweet, catch you in college.

Take a good look folks, because everyone in this shot is due for a birthday soon, plus Aremis who is currently sleeping.

"Hey! No fair! Why'd she get to grow-up first?"

"Hah! My hands are bigger than yours!"

Benjamin Rainseeker
Aspiration: Popularity
LTW: Become Media Magnate
Neat-4, Outgoing-9, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-6
Turn-Ons: Great Cook & Good at Cleaning, Turn-Off: Red Hair

Patricia Rainseeker
Aspiration: Pleasure
LTW: Become Game Designer
Neat-4, Outgoing-10, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-3
Turn-Ons: Swimwear & Great Cook, Turn-Off: Gray Hair

"College?!? But I just became a teen!"
Yes, and the house is still full, and your mother still needs to have 3 more babies. Off you go!

Guess, I should have let Patricia stay a bit longer, huh?

Elaine Rainseeker
Neat-4, Outgoing-9, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-6

Isabelle Rainseeker
Neat-4, Outgoing-10, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-3

Toodaloo Benjamin!

End of Round Review

Friends: 10 Family, 24 Non-family, 32 BFFs, 5 BFs, 1 Love
Work: Ecological Guru
Skills: Cooking-5, Mech-10, Charisma-3, Body-10, Logic-10, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8
Badges: Gardening-Silver
Hobbies: Arts&Crafts-4, Nature-2, Music&Dance-5

Friends: 8 Family, 7 Non-family, 15 BFFs, 1 Love
Work: Conceptual Artist
IW: 7 / 10 Children
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-10, Charisma-7, Body-5, Logic-2, Creativity-10, Cleaning-5, Parenting
Badges: Gardening-Silver
Hobbies: Tinkering-3, Nature-5

Friends: 7 Family, 4 Non-family, 10 BFFs, 1 Crush
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-8, Cleaning-8
Hobbies: Nature-1, Fitness-1, Music&Dance-8

Friends: 5 Family, 6 Non-family, 8 BFFs, 1 BF
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-8, Cleaning-8
Hobbies: Nature-1, Fitness-1, Music&Dance-7

Friends: 7 Family, 1 Non-family, 4 BFF, 2 BF
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8
Hobbies: Arts&Crafts-4, Nature-2, Music&Dance-8

Friends: 6 Family, 4 BFF, 2 BF
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8
Hobbies: Arts&Crafts-4, Nature-2, Music&Dance-8

Friends: 5 Family, 1 BFF, 2 BF
School: C, Public
Skills: Mech-10, Charisma-1, Creativity-1
Hobbies: Tinkering-6, Music&Dance-1

Friends: 4 Family, 1 BFF, 2 BF
School: C, Public
Skills: Mech-10, Charisma-1
Hobbies: Tinkering-6

Household Value: $105,685

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