Week 4 - Round 8 - 7 Maple Square (Cormier)
Things are pretty much normal here. Once again Miller challenged Annie over one of their toys, and once again Annie won the challenge. Let the queen reign.
Doofus, Hyper, Friendly, Cowardly, Pigpen
This is Wiggins, the newest member of the family. Wiggins is a crossbreed between a Saint-Bernard and a Husky. His eyes are actually light purple, but it's not available.
This is Wiggins, the newest member of the family. Wiggins is a crossbreed between a Saint-Bernard and a Husky. His eyes are actually light purple, but it's not available.
Aremis seems to be really stuck on getting a pet. Everytime I visit the pet store with another sim, there he is. He just can't seem to take no for an answer. You'd think with five children he'd have his hands full enough without adding a pet.
My mother complained when Miller first entered the household that Miller never chewed the furniture and she was right. However, RL Wiggins really does chew and everything, including my custom leather cheque book, all my credit cards, and the remote control for the satellite. Yeti and Mr.Tiger don't count because they're his tootoos, even if my mother has had to do extensive surgery on both of them, lol!
And now he's digging a hole. Maybe I shouldn't have made him quite so much like RL Wiggins. Mom, before you complain, I know that RL Wiggins isn't a doofus, but he sure acts like it!
Wiggins, you so shouldn't be in Annie's bed. As soon as she's done her bath she'll rush over and put you straight I bet!
Much like the RL Wiggins, this Wiggins just stares at Kerie when she tells him to "Come Here"
This is probably the only pot of "herbs" we'll be harvesting from this thing. It just takes too long.
OMG! Annie's playing with the cleanbot! I had no idea that happened! (Trust me, this is even funnier in the game when you can see her hopping around and chasing it!)
I usually sell the empty smart milk bottles, but I'm kind of enjoying having this thing around.
Aww, we need to get photos of Garth cuddling all the dogs. He actually does this on his own.
Now that's very much like RL Annie. She's the official baby washer in our family. My boys just love it, as long as she lets them breathe while she's doing it.
Miller's laughing because it's Annie's turn to be cuddled, but Annie seems to mind it less than Miller and Wiggins.
Hah! Your turn Miller. I swear Ricky and Kerie are run off their feet between the dogs and Garth, there's just no time for anything else. Neither of them has even managed to call a single friend this week.
Annie finally noticed that Wiggins may try to steal her bed, but he's also fun to play with!
I guess Wiggins is really starting to be part of the family now, even Miller is playing with him.
I tried to have the repair guy fix it, but he looked at it, said everything was in working order and left. You suck repair guy! I just hope Ricky doesn't fry himself, but I'm afraid to let Ricky clean up the mess out front in case the flies get him.
Thank the PTBs, Ricky managed to fix it, and it's now cleaning up after itself.
Annie could really give Scooby-Doo a run for his Scooby-Snacks!
We still have the decision to make of wether or not Annie should have puppies, and if she should who with? Will we leave her to her career and playing with the kids?
Stupid Calista. She even managed to interrupt him while he was drinking his smart milk, so he didn't get the full dose. Argh! I hate nannies!
Not again! Of course Calista's no help, she'd rather play with Miller.
Here's a familiar site, Miller is "supervising" the repair. Make sure he actually fixes the darn thing this time, will you Miller?
Annie and I are not impressed that Calista has left this mess. We still have two hours before an adult arrives, but at least so far there are no cockroaches. Calista keeps wondering out and complaining about the smell, but she won't clean it.
Kerie had another great day at work. I seem to be having a lot of luck with these chance cards lately!
End of Round Review
Friends: 19
Work: Visionary
Skills: Cooking-6, Mech-8, Charisma-7, Body-3, Logic-5, Creativity-10, Cleaning-5
Badges: Register - Bronze, Toy Making - Gold
Friends: 9
Work: CEO
LTW: 2 / 6 Pets Reached Top Career Level
IW: $27,528 / $100,000
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-4, Charisma-6, Body-1, Logic-8, Creativity-10, Cleaning-2
School: C, Public
Skills: Cooking-2, Charisma-8, Creativity-6
Work: Rescue Pet
Behaviors: Calm, Eats Pet Food, Housebroken, Playful, Respectful, Stays Off Beds
Commands: Come Here, Roll Over, Shake
Work: Star
Behaviors: Clean, Eats Pet Food, Housebroken, Respectful, Stays Off Beds
Commands: Come Here, Play Dead, Roll Over, Speak
Work: Snooper Detterent
Commands: Come Here
Household Value: $92,053
Garth is such a cutie, even though he strongly resembles Ricky.
I had no idea pets could play with robots! That's really cool. I will have to check that out sometime.
Wiggins is adorable... I love Huskies!
Lisa, I think the whole reason that Garth is so much cuter than his father is that he seems to have miraculously escaped his father's nose! Color me happy.
Mao, I didn't know that pets could play with the cleanbot either, but Annie and Miller both played with it. Wiggins just runs away from it :). Wiggins is so much more adorable in person. The entire vets office is in love with him, they even have his picture on their corkboard! Take a look at his RL painting above his bed. His eyes really are a light violet, but it's a hard color to capture on a camera without holding his head still and getting him in just the right light for the camera to be able to see it!
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