Week 3 - Round 5 - Wetstein Home
When we last left the Wetsteins, Serena, Amber, and Kirsty was skilling, and Grandma Debbie-the-Werewolf and April were playing with Cora the toddler. As we return you can see that Cora's still playing with her rabbit but everyone else has gone onto other things.Seeing as how Cora is a female heir, she must, by default, marry a woman. I've chosen Lauren here as her future sweety. I may even let Lauren go to college and become her wife. Besides I feel bad for Lauren, I pretty much said she could be Samantha's girlfriend and then dumped her for Cadence.
Debbie's time has come, but she doesn't look upset about it. After all, she had a beautiful daughter, four beautiful granddaughters, had accomplished her life's work, had a brush with the paranormal, and even had two granddaughters who loved Knowledge as much as she to carry on her legacy.
Her granddaughters took her death really hard. They interrupted whatever they were doing to cry about her death for days afterwards.
Even little Cora was inconsolable. Even having her mother pay attention to her for once couldn't take her mind off her beloved grandmother.
Lauren is being very nice, because Cora just isn't that good at the xylophone yet.
And here we have the profits of Debs death. Debbie now has a nice plot in back with flowers over her grave, let's hope she's not to tough on her family now that she's dead. My son Ben (almost 5) would like me to tell you that he helped me with the renovations/landscaping. Apparently I didn't build the house right though, because he says it should be symmetrical. Okay, that's not his word, but it's what he meant. I'm actually kinda proud of it.
Kirsty and Amber are the always together now. They talk about their dreams and all the things they wish they'd had time to learn from Debbie. For some reason, even though Debbie is dead, they still roll up wants to hear her howl.
And Serena, well, Serena decided that the best way to get over her mother's death was to find yet another love. This is Suzanne who is yet another Knowledge sim. Poor kid's gonna get her heart broken.
At least Serena took five minutes out of her date to help Cora grow-up. Suzanne didn't seem to mind.
And here's Cora with the god-awful default hair. Her choice of everyday wear requires that she wear hand-me-downs. It was just too awful to speak of.
As soon as Cora grew-up Serena took Suzanne to the newly purchased Woohoo Central. Apparently Andrea approved of their activities there. It is a venue, but it's not one of the loophole ones because the only time it's open is when Serena's there are for Woohoo's so I guess you could call it a service store. Once she gets her LTW I may have her become a hairdresser on her days off.
And here's Cora after a makeover. She chose Amber's hand-me-downs to wear which is fine with me. Anything's better than her original choice.

End of Round Review:
Friends: family - Amber + 13
Work: Assistant Coach
LTW: 15/20 Woohoos
Skills: Cooking-3, Mech-7, Charisma-7, Body-10, Logic-2, Cleaning-3
Friends: family - Serena + 5
School: A+, Private
Impossible Want: 4/7 Skills Maxed
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-5, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-10, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8
Friends: family + 4
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-8, Charisma-7, Body-8, Logic-7, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8
Friends: family + 7
School: A+, Private
Impossible Want: 5/7 Skills Maxed
Skills: Cooking-9, Mech-10, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-9, Creativity-10, Cleaning-10
Friends: family + 1
School: C+, Public
Skills: Cooking-2, Charisma-8, Logic-4, Creativity-5
Household Value: $42,491
Woohoo Central Value: $18,014
Awww! So long, Deb. At least she went out a happy old codger. And Serena is really starting to get those notches built up on her bedpost. Wow! I've grown to have a fondness/hate relationship with Romance sims. They keep the game from being stagnant, but also get redundant with their constant desire of lovers, if their LTW dictates so.
I love the house! I'm not much good at building, but I always try to, since I get bored of houses so easily. It's so cute that your son helped you out... you're going to have another simmer to battle over the game with in a few years. ;)
Well like I said the houses are based on the template of a house by Tiko, but after that who knows what will happen. As for my sons and the sims, it's awful Alex (2) and Ben (4) like to watch and comment and Marc (he's the one that Aremis is based on) likes to play but only if I'll help him cheat and he builds awful box houses and forgets to put in fridges or toilets. Ben expecially likes ghosts and toddlers, but hates vampires. He also wants every house to have a pet! Alex just gets excited over babies/toddlers and cars. I've solved some of the problem by giving my eldest all my old Sims1 games for on the antique computer we have upstairs, along with numerous hacks and a 2" binder full of cheats and walkthroughs.
Ahhhhhhhh. More future simmers. My 15 y/o daughter plays, too. But she becomes easily bored, unlike me. I can play for hours at a time.
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