These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Thursday, January 18, 2007

Week 2 - Round 3 - Luworld Home

Week two has finally started, as usual it seems that the Luworld family is getting more than their fair share of space in the blog. I can't help it, they're great. Serena's just annoying, and it's crazy running her household, the Belleosi family is too busy trying to get scholarships to be interesting, unless you enjoy looking at endless shots of people reading. The Rainseekers however look promising, so maybe they'll get more than 5 pictures.

Monday afternoon everyone got home with promotions, but their needs were shot and Calista left the house a disaster, and the fridge empty, so leftovers it was. Even the baby is asleep in her crib stinky. I really hate Calista, I wonder if I fire her if I'd get a good nanny or if they'd just send me her again.

Sierra showed up and I had Tara play chess with her briefly, but it just wasn't bringing up her fun fast enough.

It's always amazed me that sims who are just learning yoga can do this, I've done it with every pregnancy and off and on in between (when I can get the kids to leave me alone long enough to do it) and I've NEVER been able to get my hands completely flat like that.

Tara got an A+, Tara got an A+! Quick play with her so she can do her homework before the headmaster shows up!

And Korey says.....yes, but just barely, Food-42, Tour-45, Schmooze-3. I kept them away from him after in case they said something to upset him before he agreed to Tara attending, and just think, in a week we have to do the whole thing all over again for Loretta. Oh Joy.

She FINALLY grew-up. I hit the "gonna make a dirty diaper" glitch.

Loretta Luworld
Aspiration: Grow-Up
Sign: Sagittarius (Neat-5, Outgoing-5, Active-9, Playful-8, Nice-1

My god, she's evil.

Since Grayson was up in the middle of last night to change her diaper and slept have the day, he gets first shift of toddler trainer. At least he gets smart milk and a thinking cap, with that combo I usually get my toddlers trained in one night.

Umm, weren't you two in your pajamas a minute ago? Oh yeah, romance sims, never mind me, carry on.

Since the 'rents were busy Tara decided to introduce herself to Loretta now that the kid kinda made sense (and yeah, from experience that's about how they see it).

Aww, cute, she got the christmas jammies, it's January now, but still cute. Of course as soon as Monica was all charged up, Loretta needed to sleep. Isn't that always the way of things, if you want to play with them they're busy and if you're busy they want you.

Looks like it was just one of those mother daughter things. She just looks so trusting, sorta like she's not sure about it, but if Mommy says so it must be ok.

Yay! It's punching bag time. Since this family will have two, one of them will be leaving with Tara when she goes to college. I have no idea wether it will stay at the Greek House or follow her to her homestead.

As far as I can tell this is minor glitch. I gave her smart milk not 5 sim minutes ok, she glowed and after I put something in her inventory she stopped glowing. Her hunger was half-way before the bottle so I know she got a full dose, I just hope she's still getting the benefits without the glow.

This is the main reason I removed the blur, it's just so cute when the pat the potty!

Monica's solution to the Calista problem, plus now, I have the toddler feeding power!

I'm sorry Calista, was there something you wanted? Maybe to stuff Loretta with useless dairy milk? Or maybe to cook multiple meals that you have no intention of eating, or even better, starting a fire again?

And this is how Loretta passes the day while her family is away, alone, in her room, glowing like a firefly and playing with Mr.Wabbit.

End of Round Review:

Friends: family, 2 non-family
Work: Starter
Skills: Cooking-1, Charisma-5, Body-5, Logic-1, Creativity-6, Cleaning-2

Friends: family, 8 non-family
Work: MVP
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-2, Charisma-3, Body-8, Logic-9, Creativity-7, Cleaning-9

Friends: family, 4 non-family
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-6, Mech-7, Charisma-6, Logic-1, Creativity-8, Cleaning-2

Friends: family, 2 non-family
Skills: Charisma-6

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