I had rather a shock when I entered the Rainseeker home. Apparently someone went behind my back and bought a dog. I decided to let them keep her for some strange reason. I'd like to say it's because she's cute, but you don't get to view the stats or the pet before saying yes or no. At least she's a good dog.
AlegraGenius, Friendly, Agressive
"What a sweet doggie you are!"

Neil's taking advantage of the reset to gather more skill points for his next promotion.

Aww, they're playing together! I actually feel worse for the dog. I've seen the smallest cats take down the biggest dogs, lol.

Sierra's doing a great job of pulling this family together, they eat more meals together now, they talk about global issues, and now and then Sierra steals a bite of food from Neil, who finds it quite amusing!

First Knowlton penguin siting! No fish, no snowmen, he just wattled by.

The kids have decided to try their hand(s) at fishing. This family is kind of busy, so I don't know if they'll be gardening. Maybe a couple of apple trees, but that's it.

Sierra joined the kids, but had an unfortunate wardrobe malfunction (sorry, couldn't resist). It's a good thing that sim womens' dresses all seem to be skorts.

I built this pond during Round 8, and I must say, I'm rather pleased with how it turned out!

Charlie Brown (Fraser) caught the first fish, and I must say, it's a whopper.

Sierra's off to her first day in Education in an army jeep. Ok. I realised later that that's Bonker's ride. I want as many families as possible to have one of those bookcases. That way they can spend less time skilling and more time with each other, or skating, or fishing, or gardening.

Neil's maximized his logic skills!

Alegra is safely watching Knowlton's first hail storm from inside the house. If it doesn't show up in the photo, sorry, I did the best I could.

Anyone who's ever had a dog recognises this pose. I guess I can forgive Sierra for buying her, I kinda like her. I'm sure it was Sierra because everytime I go to the pet store she and Aremis are there. He better not have bought a pet without permission or I'll find some horrible way to punish him.

Well duh, I would hope a doctor wouldn't perscribe something without researching it, but then again I live in Canada. The doctors are all paid by the government. Not enough though apparently since we're constantly loosing our doctors to better paying jobs in the states.

Sharla Ottomas followed Fraser home today. I installed the Ottomas and the Ramaswami family in Bluewater, because I've seen them follow people home even when they're in the bin. I won't be playing them though, because I've heard that Samantha's pregnancy, or rather her babies, can cause issues outside of Riverblossom Hills.

Laura had the sudden urge to teach Alegra to Come Here, and since that's usually the first command I have taught to them I told her to go ahead. A lot of other things happened too, but this house was crazy busy.
Sierra invited over Amanda, Marcus, Piper, and Tina Rainseeker. The kids went fishing instead of playing with the Sierra's kids, and Tina and Piper played chess until rain drove them inside. I sent them right back to it after building a roof over the back porch. No pictures though, I had a toddler trying to climb onto my lap at the time and forgot to take any.

2am and Neil has finally gained his final cleaning point. Even in autumn that one's a doozy. Good thing his carpool doesn't arrive till 10am.

"Food! Food! Feed us!"
For someone who's such a meanie, Neil sure smiles a lot.

Poor Neil, up all night studying and he's totally wiped out. I really hope somebody fixes this glitch soon though, it's annoying having to supervise the recharge.

You know Neil, when your wife and daughter paint in their pajamas, they do it at like 5 in the morning when nobody can see them.

I really, really, wish that the designers had realized that you can actually fit two adults, a toddler, and two large dogs in one standard size double bed. I really don't see why the dogs can't sleep at the foot of the bed with the sims at the head. It would have been so cute!

Yay! Sierra brought home the Golden Bookcase!!!! Hooray for Sierra!

Sharla followed Laura home today. At least THEY played together.

This little townie whose name I can't remember followed Fraser home. He wants nothing to do with her. He'd rather do his homework.

Eventually they all settled down and went fishing together. So far the only thing that Laura's managed to catch is one lonely boot.

"What the?"

"Oh, joy."

Mrs. Sierra Young-Rainseeker-Pederson as an Elder
(try saying that three times fast!)
Hall of Famer (done),
Captain HeroNeat-6, Outgoing-4, Active-7, Playful-5, Nice-3
AriesTurn-Ons: Fatness & Swimwear, Turn-Off: Blonde Hair

Neil, you're the man!

Once again the ghosts have arrived to terrify the family. I refuse to take all those pictures. Let's just say it was Fright Night all over again. I even lost count of who scared who and how many times. Although it seems like Tom really has it in for poor Fraser. The family will be moving their bedrooms upstairs tomorrow morning. The ghosts can and do go up there sometimes, but they seem to prefer the main level. Sierra went and slept in Bobby's bed when I wasn't looking and got a great night's sleep.

They look so grown-up sitting there drinking their morning cocoa. It'll make them awful hot, but neither of them got much sleep last night, and I'm hoping that this will wake them up enough for school. (I'm so glad we can finally caffeniete our children)

Both of the pets need training for their jobs, so it was decided to divide and conquer. Sierra handled teaching Alegra to Stay, which resulted in a promotion later that night.

Fraser taught Bonkers how to Play Dead once he'd woken up from his nap and done his homework.

Neil had always wanted to be Chief of Staff, but now that he was there, he was realizing that it didn't pay as well as he thought. How did all the other doctors manage to have Corvettes and BMWs on this paycheck? Neil never went to university (that kind of scares me, that you don't need to go to university in this game to be a surgeon), so he can't get one of the really good jobs, but he'd heard that with Knowlton getting so much bigger there were new kinds of jobs out there that paid really well. Neil decided it was time to get into the Education business. Sierra seemed really happy with her job, and with the same work hours it would give them more time to spend together.
End of Round ReviewSierraFriends: 22, 1 Pet Friend
Work: University Guest Lecturer
IW: 25 / 30 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-7, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-6, Creativity-10, Cleaning-10
NeilFriends: 8
Work: University Guest Lecturer
IW: $30,177 / $100,000
Skills: Cooking-3, Mech-9, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-10, Creativity-10, Cleaning-10
FraserFriends: 1 Pet Friend
School: A-, Private
Skills: Cooking-7, Charimsa-8, Logic-8, Creativity-8, Cleaning-1
LauraFriends: 2, 1 Pet Friend
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-8, Charisma-8, Logic-7, Creativity-7, Cleaning-4
BonkersWork: Pet Corps
Behaviors: Eats Pet Food, Housebroken, Respectful, Stays Off Furniture, Stays Off Beds
Commands: Come Here, Play Dead, Stay, Speak
AlegraWork: Guard Pet
Behaviors: Eats Pet Food, Respectful
Commands: Come Here, Stay
Household Value: $154,216
1 comment:
So playables can buy pets when you're playing other families? I didn't know that.
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