Round 10 Neighborhood Showcase
A/N: Yes, I know, for the longest time I've been quite sporadic about updates. I imagine it's quite a disappointment for those of you who found the blog relatively early on when I was updating at least once a day. Unfortunately, I do have a real life, which includes 3 children who range from 3 - 12 years old. Life is busy and hectic. Not to mention, like most other players, I occasionally lose interest for awhile. The latest delay has been caused by Sims related things. I've been trying to find a better way to keep track of my sims than my 2" binder, and I was waiting for someone to upload a current Excel scoresheet since I lost most of my Excel talents through lack of use. With 5 years of 'homemaking' and 4 of line work under my belt, it's been a very long time since I used my office/accounting skills and they're extremely rusty. Anyone want to see the beta look of one of the sim profile pages I'm thinking about developing for a Knowlton website? If people are interested, I'll flatten the image and post it as a jpg (it's a photoshop document at the moment). To be truthful, if it weren't for those of you who leave comments, I would have abandoned Knowlton long ago. Thank you all so much for encouraging me. Special thanks to Taryn and Mao who leave comments on a regular basis and a big welcome to Pinkfiend1, our newest commenter. As a matter of fact, I am still looking for houses since Knowlton continues to grow rapidly (at least when I play, it does!). I'm glad everyone appreciates all the Photoshop projects I include, I spend a lot of time on them, and it's nice to hear that people like them.
Samantha Belleosi, Jasmine Philippine-Belleosi,
Bethany Belleosi, Pete Belleosi
Belleosi Backyard
~~~~~~~Rainseeker Home~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~5 Maple Square~~~~~~~
Aremis Rainseeker, Tina Schehl-Rainseeker,
Piper Rainseeker (college), Amanda Rainseeker,
Marcus Rainseeker, Benjamin Rainseeker,
Patricia Rainseeker
~~~~~~~6 Maple Square~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~7 Maple Square~~~~~~~
Ricky Cormier, Kerie Copur-Cormier,
Garth Cormier, Eric Cormier,
Miller, Annie, Wiggins, Pigpen, Sheba, Wizard
~~~~~~~8 Maple Square~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~9 Oak Square~~~~~~~
Weldon Collin, Kirsty Wetstein-Collin, Jessica Collin,
Jeffrey Collin, Paula Collin
Eddie Belleosi, April Wetstein-Belleosi,
Alannah Belleosi, Dana Belleosi, Dustin Belleosi
Abhijeet Barrett, Tara Luworld-Barrett, Brian Barrett,
Green Puppy, Blue, Magenta, Purple Kangaroo
Owner: Serena Wetstein
Rank 5: Proficient Purveyor
Owned by: Kirsty Wetstein-Collin
Owned by: Eddie Belleosi
& April Wetstein-Belleosi
Rank 4: Burgeoning Bazaar
Owned by: Amber Wetstein-Graham
Rank 8: Esteemed Establishment
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