These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Saturday, May 17, 2008

Round 10 Neighborhood Showcase

A/N: Yes, I know, for the longest time I've been quite sporadic about updates. I imagine it's quite a disappointment for those of you who found the blog relatively early on when I was updating at least once a day. Unfortunately, I do have a real life, which includes 3 children who range from 3 - 12 years old. Life is busy and hectic. Not to mention, like most other players, I occasionally lose interest for awhile. The latest delay has been caused by Sims related things. I've been trying to find a better way to keep track of my sims than my 2" binder, and I was waiting for someone to upload a current Excel scoresheet since I lost most of my Excel talents through lack of use. With 5 years of 'homemaking' and 4 of line work under my belt, it's been a very long time since I used my office/accounting skills and they're extremely rusty. Anyone want to see the beta look of one of the sim profile pages I'm thinking about developing for a Knowlton website? If people are interested, I'll flatten the image and post it as a jpg (it's a photoshop document at the moment). To be truthful, if it weren't for those of you who leave comments, I would have abandoned Knowlton long ago. Thank you all so much for encouraging me. Special thanks to Taryn and Mao who leave comments on a regular basis and a big welcome to Pinkfiend1, our newest commenter. As a matter of fact, I am still looking for houses since Knowlton continues to grow rapidly (at least when I play, it does!). I'm glad everyone appreciates all the Photoshop projects I include, I spend a lot of time on them, and it's nice to hear that people like them.

Neighborhood Family Tree

You really need to click this, it's huge!

Neighborhood Map

This one can also be clicked if you'd like a clearer view.


~~~~~~~Luworld Home~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Monica Luworld-Nott, Grayson Nott,
Loretta Luworld, Pinkie

Luworld Backyard
Luworld 1st Floor
Luworld 2nd FloorLuworld Basement

~~~~~~~Wetstein Home~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Serena Wetstein, Cora Wetstein, Lauren Knight

Wetstein Backyard
Wetstein 1st Floor
Wetstein 2nd Floor

~~~~~~~Belleosi Home~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Samantha Belleosi, Jasmine Philippine-Belleosi,
Bethany Belleosi, Pete Belleosi

Belleosi Backyard
Belleosi Art Garden
Belleosi Graveyard
Belleosi 1st Floor
Belleosi 2nd Floor
Belleosi Basement/Garage

~~~~~~~Rainseeker Home~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Billy Rainseeker, Daisy Garth-Rainseeker, Bonkers

Rainseeker Sideyard
Rainseeker Backyard
Rainseeker Chapel
Rainseeker 1st Floor
Rainseeker 2nd Floor

~~~~~~~5 Maple Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Aremis Rainseeker, Tina Schehl-Rainseeker,
Piper Rainseeker (college), Amanda Rainseeker,
Marcus Rainseeker, Benjamin Rainseeker,
Patricia Rainseeker

5 Maple Square Backyard
5 Maple Square 1st Floor
5 Maple Square 2nd Floor
5 Maple Square Basement

~~~~~~~6 Maple Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Cadence Jalowitz-Chalmers, Phoenix Chalmers,
Chad Chalmers, Heath Chalmers

6 Maple Square Backyard
6 Maple Square 1st Floor
6 Maple Square 2nd Floor
6 Maple Square 3rd Floor
6 Maple Square Garage

~~~~~~~7 Maple Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Ricky Cormier, Kerie Copur-Cormier,
Garth Cormier, Eric Cormier,
Miller, Annie, Wiggins, Pigpen, Sheba, Wizard

7 Maple Square Backyard
7 Maple Square Dogyard
7 Maple Square 1st Floor
7 Maple Square 2nd Floor
7 Maple Square 3rd Floor

~~~~~~~8 Maple Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Oliver Graham, Amber Wetstein-Graham,
Claire Graham, Kenneth Graham

8 Maple Square Backyard
8 Maple Square 1st Floor
8 Maple Square 2nd Floor
8 Maple Square 3rd Floor

~~~~~~~9 Oak Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Weldon Collin, Kirsty Wetstein-Collin, Jessica Collin,
Jeffrey Collin, Paula Collin

9 Oak Square Backyard
9 Oak Square 1st Floor
9 Oak Square 2nd Floor

~~~~~~~10 Oak Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Eddie Belleosi, April Wetstein-Belleosi,
Alannah Belleosi, Dana Belleosi, Dustin Belleosi

10 Oak Square Backyard
10 Oak Square Garden and Bandstand
10 Oak Square 1st Floor
10 Oak Square 2nd Floor
10 Oak Square Skill Shed

~~~~~~~11 Oak Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Abhijeet Barrett, Tara Luworld-Barrett, Brian Barrett,
Green Puppy, Blue, Magenta, Purple Kangaroo

11 Oak Square 1st Floor
11 Oak Square 2nd Floor
11 Oak Square 3rd Floor

~~~~~~~12 Oak Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Bobby Rainseeker, Brandi Mazza-Rainseeker

12 Oak Square Backyard
12 Oak Square 1st Floor
12 Oak Square 2nd Floor
12 Oak Square Basement
12 Oak Square Garage 1st Floor
12 Oak Square Garage 2nd Floor

~~~~~~~13 Ash Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Grizou Night, Rowan Night, Willow Night

13 Ash Square Backyard
13 Ash Square 1st Floor

~~~~~~~14 Ash Square~~~~~~~

Current Residents:
Neil Pederson, Sierra Young-Rainseeker-Pederson,
Fraser Pederson, Laura Pederson

14 Ash Square Backyard
14 Ash Square 1st Floor
14 Ash Square 2nd Floor
14 Ash Square Basement


~~~~~~~Woohoo Central~~~~~~~
Owner: Serena Wetstein
Rank 5: Proficient Purveyor

~~~~~~~Kirsty's Robots~~~~~~~
Owned by: Kirsty Wetstein-Collin

In the process of moving.

~~~~~~~Belleosi Toys~~~~~~~
Owned by: Eddie Belleosi
& April Wetstein-Belleosi
Rank 4: Burgeoning Bazaar

~~~~~~~Amber's Flowers~~~~~~~
Owned by: Amber Wetstein-Graham
Rank 8: Esteemed Establishment

May be moving, or may stay where it is since it's getting close to Level 10.

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