W6 - Belleosi Home
A/N: Why it's OK to play sims when you're supposed to be playing with the kids. My two youngest sons (Ben-6 & Alex-3) just love to sit here and watch me play and make all the small decisions that I really don't care about, like what they should eat for supper, whether they should sleep in pajamas or underwear, what color that new sports car is going to be, etc. It's really adorable. Benjamin's actually worked out a menu for the Belleosi's for the entire week, although he only started planning on the Saturday of this sim week. Eventually they drag all of their Little People in here (we actually have almost all of the sets, it's ridiculous, but they're so cute and practically indestructible) and they play sims with them. Often enough their "sims" have the same name as mine and they act out cute little stories. Today was apparently Bethany's first day of school and she couldn't find her classroom, so a teacher came and helped her. Try explaining to my hubbie that playing sims actually is me playing with the kids, lol.
Last week was family time at the Belleosis'. Sam finally spent some time with her daughter, and she and Jasmine decided to provide a little sibling for Bethany. While Jasmine was busy being sick all over the place and zapping her unborn child in the energizer Bethany grew-up into a lovely little girl and spent some time getting to know her relatives (I accidentally called Amber her Aunt, which she's not). Pete Belleosi made his appearance right before it was time to move on to the next house, so we'll definitely be getting to play with all the cool new toddler stuff!
Sam may as well move into the greenhouse, she's always out here anyway.
Poor Bethany, she needs a nap now, because her mothers don't get home till 9pm, which means she can't learn to do her homework until then.
Once more into the zapper for you Jas. Jasmine was up all night studying for new job.
Well, at least that means that Bethany will have someone to play sports with. It's not very often that Jasmine spends time with the kids nowadays, she's always busy skilling or painting. Enjoy this one brief shining moment Bethany.
Amazing, you spend more time with this one than the one you carried yourself.
Nobody says she has to stick to her predestined hobby, and she spins up much more Nature wants.
I love gardening, it's the only chore you can assign kids that they find fun.
Cross your fingers, this is the second birthday cake we've bought for Pete, the last one was botched by the dirty diaper glitch....
Arghh! Pete has no wants, sometimes the FFS Debugger works, sometimes it doesn't. It's all very annoying. This happens to me almost every single expansion pack. Even after having updated all my hacks and even completely removing them, there are no wants for existing babies who become toddlers or existing toddlers. All the new ones will be fine, and it seems to fix itself when they become children, but there are an awful lot of toddlers in this town.
Basically, the plan here is that I get all of his toddler skills almost done, and then hope that when he wakes up from a nap he'll have rolled up some wants. In the meantime he can skill build.
At least my little slugger is doing well. She's spun up wants all afternoon and evening build up her body skills, and her energy level isn't going down very fast.
Most of Thursday was lost to my struggle with Pete's lack of wants. It never was solved, but I'm resigned to just trudging through it now. As you can see, Friday is a bright new day.
Samantha always amazes me. Life has dealt her some pretty tough knocks, and yet she's always happy and she never complains. Even now that she's an adult she still has to put the needs of everyone around her before herself, and she really doesn't seem to mind.
Neil, you're being creepy in a very Michael Jackson way, please exit the bathroom.
It's very odd, but the only want I can count on from Pete is the want to build Mechanical skills. How strange.
Garden Club time. Jasmine, you ought to be ashamed of yourself taking advantage of all of Samantha's hard work like this.
You know that she's a zombie in sim clothing. I mean for heaven's sake, she just invited a toddler to hang out at a garage.
Ok, this whole Garden Club thing really had me intimidated at first, but it looks like it's not so hard afterall.
My son Benjamin has decided that the Belleosis should always have hamburgers on Saturday, and since I really don't care, why not!
Pete's now started spinning up only wants to build his Creativity, which should make Jasmine quite happy. The nursery already looks cheerier thanks to his efforts.
Where's Bethany? I'm sure you're wondering. Well, ever since Pete's birthday she's been obsessed with gaining body skills. Basically she's at this thing unless she's taking care of her needs, at school, or doing homework. At least she finally got smart and asked Samantha to help her reach her goal.
Yes, it's most definitely fun to have your sister wing that thing at you Pete. Why is it that you guys insist on playing football in the greenhouse. Seriously, they always play football in the greenhouse.
Something horrible must have happened, they're all eating supper together! You know, it's actually Maxis or EA's fault that my sim families rarely eat together. When they made that change in the programming that made the sims talk more at supper they made it too time wasting for everyone to eat together.
"Hmm, you know, this job is getting rather boring, let's see..... Dance! You know, I've always wanted to be a dancer, I've just never had the time."
End of Round Review
Friends: 3 Family, 12 Non-family, 2 BFs, 13 BFFs, 1 Love
Work: Acclaimed Muralist
IW: $62,329 / $100,000
Skills: Cooking-5, Mech-8, Charisma-8, Body-1, Logic-9, Creativity-10, Cleaning-3
Badges: Gardening-Bronze
Hobbies: Cuisine-1, Tinkering-1, Arts & Crafts-7, Nature-3
Friends: 4 Family, 27 Non-family, 31 BFFs, 1 Love
Work: Flamenco Master
IW: 30 / 30 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-9, Creativity-10, Cleaning-4
Badges: Gardening-Gold
Hobbies: Cuisine-1, Arts & Crafts-4, Sports-1, Nature-5
Friends: 4 Family, 3 Non-family, 2 BFs, 3 BFFs
School: B+, Public
Skills: Cooking-2, Charisma-6, Body-10, Logic-6, Creativity-8, Cleaning-2
Hobbies: Cuisine-1, Sports-9
Friends: 3 Family, 2 BFFs
School: C, Public
Skills: Cooking-1, Mech-10, Charisma-1, Creativity-7
Hobbies: Tinkering-5, Arts & Crafts-4
Household Value: $122,321
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