These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Week 5 - Round 10 - 11 Oak Square (Barrett)

A/N: I always seem to be forgetting my round length, so please forgive that this round starts on a Monday instead of a Tuesday. It all evens out in the end, but it's still annoying.

On a much bigger and happier note, this makes the 100th episode of NR's Knowlton Prosperity!!!

Last round we were surrounded by cute little unnaturally colored dogs everywhere we went. Don't expect that to change, after all, Tara wants to have 6 pets reach the top of their careers. All of the pets in this house are based off of characters from Blue's Clues. What can I say, I have 3 children, and they've all been addicted to that show at some point. In fact the two youngest still fight over one "Bluey" even though they both have one. Apparently Ben's is cuter or softer or something. Tara and Green Puppy both reached the top of their careers, while Abhijeet got fired, again. Of course Tara also spent a lot of time with her precious crop too. Abhijeet and Tara finally got around to getting married, and I have to say it was a lovely ceremony. A few days later Tara started putting on a few pounds, so I expect that we'll see the birth of their first child this round.

Monday (Winter)

As is fitting when Tara's involved, let's start off the round with Tara and her greedy face! Nothing makes her happier than her plants!

Well, that's a better start than usual for you Abhijeet. A brand new best friend, congratulations!
Err, btw, what's up with the creepy face? I mean seriously, you look like a serial killer.

Originally Tara was sent to Pepe's Pets to buy a new pet, but a glitch caused her to abandon the newbie at the store, so the pet was recreated in Create-A-Family and added to the family while funds were subtracted for the "purchase". Just as Tara arrives home from her abortive trip to town we get to meet the new pet as it chews on the Evil Snowman.

Meet Purple Kangaroo. I didn't make the breed, that actually came from ModtheSims, I just tried my best to make it look fairly purple.

Purple Kangaroo
Genius, Friendly, Finicky

Try to keep your job this time Abhijeet. Err, I mean Congratulations!

Aww, they like each other.

Tuesday (Winter)

I bet this is the first time you've ever seen a kangaroo roll over!

Oh no! Please don't spray Magenta! She's just too cute and too pink to be sprayed.

My mistake, it's Blue that will be sprayed. Don't get me wrong, I love Blue, I think she's adorable, but it's somehow fitting that's it's the only dog on the lot that is a Doofus, that will get sprayed.

Blue isn't that stupid however, if you look closely enough you'll see that underneath all the snow she's taking a little shower from the Water Wiggler. Good Girl Blue!

Time for Purple Kangaroo to have a job! Tara and I are choosing Service since "Come" is actually one of the commands needed for promotion. I swear, "Come" is the most important command to teach your pets (in game). Personally in RL I've always found "Sit" to be a great multi-purpose command.

Hey Abhijeet, how 'bout I just glue the phone to your ear? Would that make it easier?

Kelly seems impressed with Abhijeet's conspiracy theory about unknown forces trying to prevent him from reaching the top of his chosen career track. Honestly, I think he's been watching late night reruns of the X-Files too much. Oh wait, that's me, lol!

The last command that Purple Kangaroo needs to zoom his way to the top of his career! He doesn't even start work till tomorrow, but he'll be well prepared! Just in time too because.....

"I swear Abhijeet is NEVER touching me again!!!!"

Welcome to the world Brian Barrett!!
It appears that Abhijeet dyes his hair. Dark skin, blue eyes, and blond. Interesting combination.

Good Lord, it really does seem like there's a conspiracy to get Abhijeet and Blue! I'm really sorry Blue.

Wednesday (Winter)

Blue considers Abhijeet her master, so we'll let him find her a job. I've given up on Security, so we'll see how she does in Service.

Oh, how sweet, Green Puppy is jealous that Abhijeet is teaching Blue a new trick. It took Blue all night, but she finally learned to "Shake".

Poor Tara, she's sunk down to green, which means the only aspiration building activity she has left open to her is painting. Too bad it takes so long.

This was bound to be the wrong answer eventually. At least she still has her job.

"I almost feel like there's been a mistake. I wasn't fired today. Did they forget to tell me or are they waiting to tell me in the morning?"

"Why am I even bothering getting in shape, they're just going to fire me anyway!"
Someone's a little grumpy.

Thursday (Winter)

The pets in this family are just too cute! I just want to eat them all up!

Blue got promoted too! Maybe this is the right career for her. *crosses fingers*

Here's an interesting shot. Apparently Purple Kangaroo would rather sleep on cold semi-snowy cement, than in the nice dog house right in front of him. Just in case I get the sexes of the pets mixed up, Blue and Magenta are female, Green Puppy and Purple Kangaroo are male.

Oh no! Tara hired Karen Gast to watch Brian. This poor family will now have to suffer through Karen for lord knows how long.

It's the daily pet meeting to watch Dagmar and ensure that she doesn't steal their beloved Water Wiggler. Yes, I know the mail doesn't come everyday in Knowlton, but it does in RL, so get over it!

Karen must be planning something devious, she's cuddling the baby. She never shows affection for her charges, therefore, she's up to something...

It must be something really evil because she's actually taking out the trash, and she's left the guitar alone. I just keep waiting for her to do something evil, I can't take the waiting, it's driving me insane wondering what she's going to do to this poor family.

One of the true mysteries of Knowlton, why won't nannies use changing tables?

Promotions for Abhijeet and Purple Kangaroo, but not Blue. Is Blue backsliding again?

"Here you go Karen, the Plumbbob Deity said that you did a great job today!"
*whispers to P.D.* "I think she's been body-snatched"

His faith in his ability to reach the top once more renewed, Abhijeet sets out to finish maximizing his body skills.

Tara! Darnit, I should have known that having her finish cooking Karen's Lobster Thermidor was a mistake!

All the pets quiver and shake and make a ruckus as Tara tries to put the fire out since the Fire Department is taking a long time to get in the house.

ewwww... I don't think you should eat that Tara, it's gross.

It's birthday time for little Brian. Here's hoping you turn out cute kiddo!

Brian Barrett
Neat-4, Outgoing-9, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-7

Abhijeet worked all through the night, but he finally managed to finish his physical training at 4am Friday morning. Off to bed with you for a few hours. If you really need it I'll let you energize before work.

End of Round Review

Friends: Family-4, Non-Family-14, Pet-4
Work: The Law
LTW: 2 / 6 Pets TOC
IW: $96,095 / $100,000
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-9, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8

Friends: Family-1, Non-Family-10, Pet-3
Work: MVP
IW: 8 / 30 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-5, Mech-4, Charisma-8, Body-10, Logic-1, Creativity-10, Cleaning-5

Friends: Family-1

Work: Star
Behaviors: Clean, Eats Pet Food, Housebroken, Playful, Respectful, Stays Off Beds
Commands: Come Here, Play Dead, Roll Over, Speak

Work: Therapy Pet
Behaviors: Clean, Eats Pet Food, Respectful
Commands: Come Here, Play Dead, Shake, Stay, Speak

Green Puppy
Work: Rescue Pet
Behaviors: Clean, Eats Pet Food, Housebroken, Playful, Respectful, Stays Off Beds
Commands: Come Here, Roll Over, Shake

Purple Kangaroo
Work: Seeing Eye Pet
Behaviors: Eats Pet Food, Respectful
Commands: Come Here, Roll Over, Shake

Household Value: $61,940

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