Welcome back dear readers. Never mind Jasmine, she's bound and determined to gain a lot of skills all in one night. I've told her there's no way she can do it, but she insisted on trying.

First she played chess till almost 4am...

Then she switched to mini-putt. She didn't make it though. I hate to say it, Jas, but I Told ya so!

Congratulations Samantha!
"Can I have a baby now?"
Head over to the computer and we'll see.

Well, it looks like this is your lucky day Sam, the first job offered was Show Business. And yes dear, that means you can have a baby.

Samantha and Jasmine don't work at all on the weekend so they're having a lazy Saturday morning.
Jasmine: "You know Sam, I read that it's now possible for two sim women to have a baby together, interested in trying?"
I'm sure you can guess Sam's answer.

"So do you think it worked? Are we having a baby?"
"I guess we'll find out in a couple of days, but I sure hope so."

All this talk of babies and families has reminded Samantha that she wanted to paint a portrait of Dad for his grave. She eventually did forgive him for dying and leaving her to raise Eddie. Afterall, Eddie was a great kid, you hardly even knew he was there except for when Dad's ghost was scaring him.

Ok, Samantha, did you happen to be on the web, and just happen to browse over to Jenn the Simmer Girl's site, and just happen to get Ravi's recipe for Charcoal de Pancakes? You know he's got a patent pending on them, right?

"How did you know? He said you wouldn't know, they're just so yummy! Please don't tell Jasmine they're not my own recipe?"

Either Ravi's pancakes aren't as great as you claim, or someone has a bun in the oven.

Gross! Don't kiss her, she was puking five minutes ago and sim don't have toothbrushes.
"What's a toothbrush?"
Never mind, I give up, carry on.

"OMG! It worked! It worked!"
Of course it worked, who do you think gave Jasmine the book about it anyway?

Samantha's decided to celebrate her impending motherhood with a nice, long, relaxing bath. Enjoy it honey, once the baby comes you won't have time for bathes. You'll be lucky to get a five minute shower.

Jasmine is celebrating by painting a portrait of Sam. She started with the eyes because she thinks they're the most beautiful thing about Samantha. Guys, you should take lessons on romance from Jasmine here.

Argh, I can't think of any good big pink and round jokes. I've never even seen pink maternity pajamas before.

First thing Monday morning Samantha hopped on the phone to tell everyone the good news. She especially made sure to let the other same-sex partners know about this new technology. Sure, all the ones she knew were teens, but one day they'd want to have children too.

Well, you've reached the top of the Business Track, what career would you like to try now?
"Art would be good." Ok.

Any luck?
"Not today, I'll try again tomorrow."

You have such great timing Jasmine. That's the perfect way to end the round.
End of Round ReviewJasmineFriends: 10
Work: Business Tycoon
LTW/IW: $24,215 / $100,000
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-4, Charisma-8, Body-1, Logic-9, Creativity-10, Cleaning-2
SamanthaFriends: 28
Work: Blockbuster Director
IW: 30/30 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-9, Creativity-10, Cleaning-2
Household Value: $67,879
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