These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Monday, March 10, 2008

W5R10 - 14 Ash Square

A/N: Yes, I said Knowlton Prosperity was on hold until after I finished my Apocalypse challenge, The Day After Tomorrow Sim Style. Well, with Freetime changing so much of the game play, I don't dare work on that until we here word from Mont Pinstar. Sorry, couldn't resist, but he's obtained the same demi-deity status in my mind as Will Wright. I mean, come on people, he came up with the two most popular challenges for the game ever. Prosperity challenges would probably be more popular, but they take forever, and get rather complicated to keep track of in the long run. I'm also toying with the idea of creating my own web site for Knowlton. Unfortunately, it's been a few years since I built my last web site and I can't seem to remember how to do the simplist things, plus I'm working with semi new-to-me software, the Adobe CS3 suite. I was familiar with CS2, but I've never used Dreamweaver before. Even if I build the site, I think that I'll still be writing the journal entries right here on blogger. The site I've built in my mind is more like a tour of Knowlton and more in depth information on all of the sims. The problem is, my brain tends to think in graphic based terms, and I don't want the site to take forever to load. Ah well, I'll let the idea keep brewing in the back of my head for now.

Last time I played the Pedersons for a full round Sierra had gone behind my back and bought a dog. Luckily for all involved, Alegra turned out to be quite a charming character. Neil managed to work his way to the top of the Medical field, before decided to turn to Education for a better salary (yeah right). In the meantime, Sierra managed to pull the family into something approaching normal family behavior before getting herself a job in Education. She also celebrated her Crustification day. At the very beginning of round 10 at the Rainseeker home, Neil decided it was time to buy his own castle and moved out with Sierra, Fraser, Laura, and Alegra. Billy didn't kick them out with a measly $20,000 however, he sent them an additional $35,000 to get started in their new home. As far as I'm concerned this is all legit since the money is just moving around the town instead of appearing out of thin air. I've also decided that I'm sick of trying to keep track of smaller rounds. Round 11 will be the last time that any of the families get played for less than 7 days. It's not exactly kosher, but I need my sanity. I'll be bringing everyone up to Monday morning at 7 am, which is when all of the rounds will begin and end from now on. For those of you who enjoyed my shorter entries, sorry, but I was going completely nuts!

Monday (Summer)

Welcome to 14 Ash Square. Once again I was too lazy to build my own house. This house is credit to Kristen408 of TSR. The house is called, simply enough, Traditional Brick House.

Almost as soon as we show up on the lot, Laura tells me she really loves Games. Big surprise there.

Not long after, Sierra has left to take Laura and Fraser to school, and Neil decides to watch some sports on TV. I guess this house will have to have a basketball net and a soccer net, huh?

"Mom? Dad? Where are you guys?"
Oops! My bad, I forgot that they wouldn't be home till after you guys, I guess it's time for some early birthdays!

"Stupid humans, leaving the pups by themselves, forcing them to grow up ahead of time!"
I decided to take advantage of some of the new options, so now Brittany Parker and Emmy Ternynck have both become teens as well. I am a bit concerned however. As one fellow simmer pointed out, what happens when we have a town full of elderly sims. We'll have to find a way to kill off some of the elders eventually, or the town is going to seem very unbalanced.

Fraser Pederson
Aspiration: Romance
LTW: Become Professional Party Guest
Neat-5, Outgoing-10, Active-9, Playful-5, Nice-1
Turn-Ons: Stink & Fatness, Turn-Off: Logical

Laura Pederson
Aspiration: Knowledge
LTW: Become Chief of Staff
Neat-5, Outgoing-10, Active-4, Playful-5, Nice-0
Turn-Ons: Swim Wear & Glasses, Turn-Off: Hats

Congratulations Neil and Sierra, too bad you both missed your kids' birthday.

It figures Fraser would be into Sports. Oh well, at least he'll get to spend time with his father. Too bad that EA couldn't add scholarships with all the expansion packs after it, but I get that it would be difficult to add something that would only work if a player had that expansion pack.

"Dad!!! You practically took my head off!"
Neil's not exactly parenting material. I swear Fraser is really the only one in this family who gives as good as he gets. Oddly enough, despite the fact that Laura is even meaner, she never really shows it.

Hmm, it appears that I have my first glitch that I'm fairly sure isn't caused by any of my hacks. He kept asking Neil to join him, and then they'd both stop playing. Curious.

What exactly do you think you're doing young lady? You just made a Cup of Ramen, now go eat it instead of being a pig. I can't believe that someone like you wants to become a doctor.

Tuesday (Fall)

Alegra! You are so gonna be in trouble when you're sims get home! I can't believe this, you're mostly house broken for crying out loud!

Well, it's still better than freezing your students!

Yeesh, not a good day for this family!

After all this time, Red Hands is still the preferred post-homework activity.

Double promotions again, how cute!

Time to train that dog. Speak Alegra, Speak!

Gee, I wonder what's on his mind? Emmy happens to be the only non-vacation female teen he knows, so it's a good thing they're friends.

Looks like things are going just fine so far...

Really Great in fact!

Sierra is still trying to get this family to act like, well, a family, but it's not that easy when you live with a bunch of vipers.

I've heard rumors that even without the "Summon Aliens" reward that it's much easier to be abducted by aliens now. Laura's on a mission to find out.

"Am I hot or what?!"
Yes, very nice Fraser, now go take a shower, you're all sweaty from playing hoops.

Wednesday (Fall)

This is the reason I HAVE to move the bin families into houses. Samantha follows anybody in the Education field home at least two or three times a week.

Argh! Sports and Games! The whole bloody family! At least tv viewing will be easy.

I'm not really sure how often I'll bother taking my sims to the hobby lots, but it's nice to be welcome!

Neil's also received an invitation, although it's for Arts & Crafts instead of Sports. What can I say, he's a Fortune sim.

Congratulations Alegra! One more trick to go.

Thursday (Fall)

"I think she's dead...."
Not quite yet.

I guess I should have realized that since it's Mean sims who are drawn to games that being a nice person was probably not the right choice.

Sorry, it was a 50/50 choice Sierra.

"Hmm, maybe this sports magazine will take my mind off my troubles."

Or not.

"Maybe a little b-ball with my son will help..."

"Whose the man! I am!"
Whatever you say Neil. I'm actually not that fond of Neil, can you tell?

Yay! No more required pet tricks!

Poor Alegra, her sims just don't have much time for her. She's reached the level of desperation that she'll now try to befriend wolves. Not nice wolves like Cassia's Hazel, but this mean one that's already growled at her and chased her.

Friday (Winter)

As if!!!

I guess it doesn't pay to be honest with your boss.

Poor Neil, he get's demoted, and I make him garden, lol.

At least Sierra had a decent day!

You know Fraser, if you get abducted, you'll never have to get married...

Of course, that's kinda cool too!

"I maximized another skill!"
Good girl, now toddle off to bed, it's almost three in the morning.

Saturday (Fall)

Sierra's actually doing a pretty good job of pulling the family together. Fraser and Neil spend time together because they both like to toss around a football, but Laura's always got her head stuck in a book, and Sierra spends most of her time juggling the phone, housework, and gardening.

This of course led me to realize that maybe it was time for Sierra to retire and concentrate on her friends.

Yay! Sports lot!

Hello Whitney! Whitney is my RL cousin. She actually has a buzz cut, but I haven't gone and downloaded one, and the freak of nature is her experiment in pet design, Mort. She also doesn't have quite that many piercings, but who knows, she might one day!

Laura spent all day with her nose stuck in a book, but it paid off, she's maximized her body skills.

Sunday (Winter)

Fraser tends to shot some hoops every morning and frequently in the evening as well, he's probably the only sim in the family who spends much time on his predestined hobby. Too bad he doesn't want to become a Pro Athlete.

Christopher Chun, why would you do that? Nobody in this family even knows you!

My bad...

Look at this way Neil, now you can try to become a Criminal Mastermind.

And then there was soccer. You guys are lucky it hasn't snowed yet.

By jove, she's done it!

End of Round Review

Friends: 5 Family, 24 Non-Family, 2 Pet Friend
Work: Retired
IW: 28 / 30 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-7, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-7, Creativity-10, Cleaning-10
Hobbies: Cuisine-1, Games-3, Sports-1, Nature-1

Friends: 3 Family, 14 Non-Family
Work: Unemployed
IW: $75,880 / $100,000
Skills: Cooking-3, Mech-9, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-10, Creativity-10, Cleaning-10
Hobbies: Cuisine-1, Arts&Crafts-5, Sports-3, Nature-2

Friends: 5 Family, 10 Non-Family, 1 Pet Friend
School: A+, Private
Work: Unemployed
Skills: Cooking-7, Mechanical-7, Charimsa-8, Body-9, Logic-8, Creativity-9, Cleaning-4
Hobbies: Tinkering-1, Science-1, Sports-7

Friends: 4 Family, 5 Non-Family, 1 Pet Friend
School: A+, Private
Work: Unemployed
IW: 7 / 7 Skills Maxed
Hobbies: Cuisine-4, Games-5, Tinkering-2, Science-3, Arts&Crafts-4, Sports-1, Nature-1, Fitness-2

Work: Pet Corps
Behaviors: Eats Pet Food, Respectful, Clean
Commands: Come Here, Stay, Play Dead, Speak

Household Value: $95,547


Anonymous said...

I loves the way you do the shots of their aspirations and turn on's and so forth, when they age. Think its very cute.

I've returned to my legacy for a time, decided to do a post on each story one at a time. What can I say, after reading your return to Knowlton, it made me want to do more on my legacy.

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and the stories of your sims. Really enjoyable to read. I agree with Taryn your birthday scrapbook photos are really good. And the family tree bits at the end of each family. It's nice seeing how everyone is related to everyone.
Are you still looking for new houses? If so I've got 1 or 2 that might fit the bill.

NightRowan said...

I'm on my way back folks. I'm currently working on another Neighborhood entry where I show a view of the entire town, shots of all the houses, etc. pinkfiend1, yes I still need houses, Knowlton keeps growing (at least when I play it!), and welcome to Knowlton! Glad to see you again Taryn, you and Mao are the ones who keep me going. Every time I get a comment it reminds me that I actually have people reading this so I should try to keep updating. If it weren't for my commenters, I would have given up on Knowlton long ago.