These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Sunday, January 28, 2007

Week 3 - Round 5 - Belleosi Home

When we last left Eddie, Samantha had just finished her final date as a teen, her sweety was dropping off a widescreen tv, and Eddie was spending time with his sweetheart the Farstar e3 Telescope. Not much has changed for Eddie since Sam left. Here's exactly what he did all week:



Practicing Speeches



And that was pretty much Eddie's sad little life this week. He didn't even have the decency to be abducted. 'Cause you know I was trying! : )

End of Round Review:
Friends: Sam + 7
School: A+, Private
Impossible Want: 4/7 Skills Maxed
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-10, Charisma-3, Logic-10, Creativity-10, Cleaning-10
Household Value: $23,353

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Don't ya know that they only get abducted when you don't want them to?