A/N: You know, I tend to think that my sims' lives are pretty boring. Afterall, I never kill them in some sort of horrible accident, nobody gets amnesia, there are no mysterious characters planning who knows what. It seems I may be wrong though. Recently I had a friend over, who while she's very into the sims hasn't had much chance to play for various reasons. As I was trying to explain the Rainseeker family tree to her, it hit me! Knowlton really is a bit of a soap opera. I mean here you have sims marrying multiple times for various reasons, a woman with four children who never married, a romance couple that somehow remains monogamous, houses of all rainbow hues. Women who are so obsessed with a certain color that even their pets must match their household decor. A teenager forced to raise her younger brother and sacrifice her own wants for his good. And that's only the first four houses. I guess Knowlton isn't so boring after all.

Last year saw long time college students Loretta, Cora, and Lauren graduate, but not before inviting Piper Rainseeker to move into Whispering Winds. Piper's already managed to set her eyes on a guy she considers dreamy and fulfill all of her Uni scoring obligations, so now it's all about skill building, badge building and friendship building.

"What? I thought it was all about hanging out, making friends, and toga parties!?!"
We'll see.

"grumble, grumble, This is not partying, grumble, grumble"
Next time go to class when you're told to.

Ah hah! I was wondering what you're hobby would be. Couldn't figure this one out from her personality. Well, at least science is a nice change of pace, although it doesn't suit her airhead airs. Maybe it's all an act. I've met women like that. They're super intelligent but feel they need to hide it for some reason.

Hee hee, I love it when they make the ant face!

I refuse to take constant shots of Piper on the phone, so whenever she's not doing something else, you can assume she's on the phone.

As you can see, Piper's been moved. She'll start the Greek House here again which will be called Knowlton House. Whispering Winds was just getting too slow to play and half the time the students couldn't go to class. She did bring all the irreplaceable things with her. I also decided to give Piper a cheerleader's outfit like I threatened last time. Of course, as soon as she started Knowlton House it was Level 6, it's one of the benefits of having a Popularity sim as your founder, they've already got lots of friends (provided your helping them with their wants).

Ouch! That looks like it hurts.

"I just love your new outfit girl! It's cheerific!"

"I get to date HER?!!!"
Yes, provided you cheer her up.

Good lord you two are easy.

Poor Piper, as gorgeous as she is, she didn't have time as a teen for dating and this is her first kiss.

You know Jason, when Piper asked you to pledge and stay the night, I don't think this is quite what she had in mind.

Jason actually stayed after the date until noon the next day! Hoorah, now I can control him before they get married! Yeah, unlike in real life, my sims don't date much except my romance sims.
Jason CameronAspiration: PopularityLTW: Become Hall of FamerNeat-4, Outgoing-10, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-3
LeoTurn-Ons: Underwear & Vampirism, Turn-Off: Fatness
Aww, they're so cute in their matching outfits.

Please, oh please, don't have ugly children after you get married. I'm taking a big chance on you Jason. It's not so much that he isn't good looking, I'm just wondering how his nose and mouth are going to turn out on Piper's children. Look at Neil. He's not bad looking, but his poor daughter, well, it's probably a good thing that she's a Knowledge sim. She's not ugly, she's just handsome. Her nose is just a bit too much on a girl.

Well, it's a couple of days later, and the bottom floor of the house has been renovated. Mostly, a lot of walls were taken down and the bathroom and the kitchen switched places. What is the obsession at EA with putting bathrooms in the center of the ground floor? Jason of course cares about none of this, he's just happy that the result gives him space for his barre.

I also finally got around to rebuilding the skilling room. Good thing too, because for some reason Jason and Piper keep spinning up wants to build their mechanical skills, despite the fact that it doesn't have anything to do with their hobbies or aspirations.

Piper's finally gotten enough enthusiasm to search for constellations. It's rather slow going because there just doesn't seem to be as much science type things to do during the day, not to mention she's still working on 30 Best Friends.

I think Nerissa has a hard time believing that this bombshell in a scanty nighty is a major science geek.

Good thing you discovered that planet Piper. See, the thing is, I kinda thought that moving her out of the WW would be the same thing as in the normal neighborhood where everything is sold off for you. Instead, she left with just the petty cash money was at about $22,000. That may sound like a lot till you realise that this house needed some BIG additions. We were down to about $49 before this. Jason and Piper just don't have the dedication of Cadence, Cora, and Tara towards harvesting money trees.

With two Popularity sims living here who both have the LAB benefit Hospitality, well, it's never an empty house.

Cool toy, where'd you get it?
"What this? No, it's not mine. It belongs to my older uglier sister."
You don't have an older uglier sister.
"You sure?"
Ah, yeah.

Go Jane! You show 'em that fat girls have moves too!
This was actually oddly coincidental since I'd just gotten around to watching Hairspray earlier in the day.

I guess Jason figures when you're as ugly as Lyndsay and you have as bad taste as Lyndsay, you need some special help.

Here's a sight I thought I'd never see. There's a party inside and a Popularity sim outside searching for alien life. Seriously though, this girl never wears clothes. I haven't seen her put on clothes except if it's really cold outside. Maybe she doesn't like her cheerleading outfit as much as I thought she did.

Way to go Piper!!
End of Round ReviewPiperFriends: 6 Family, 21 Non-family, 23 Best Friends, 21 BFFs, 1 Love
School: Biology GPA 4.0
IW: 23 / 30 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-9, Charisma-8, Body-10, Logic-10, Creativity-8, Cleaning-8
Badges: Gardening-Silver
Hobbies: Games-2,
Science-10JasonFriends: Non-family-8, 1 Best Friend, 1 BFF, 1 Love
School: Drama GPA 4.0
IW: 1 / 30 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-4, Charisma-3, Body-6, Logic-1, Creativity-6, Cleaning-3
Hobbies: Cuisine-1, Film&Lit-1, Games-1, Science-1, Arts&Crafts-1, Sports-2, Nature-1,
Music&Dance-9Knowlton House Value: $14,845 Level 6
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