Yes the energizer again. I love the energizer, so sue me. At least this way I can get his rather annoying, though useful, demands for more skills out of the way quickly.

"Daddy Monster's going to get you!"

Sierra, do you ever stay at your own home? This weekend she's shown up univited two days out of four. At least she made herself useful by playing with Chad.

Maxing Out Cooking

Cadence is painting again of course. Too bad I'll have to sell it to work on her Impossible Want. I'll have one of the boys paint another copy I can keep.

Phoenix has moved on to telling himself ghost stories in the mirror.

Cadence and Phoenix decided that if they were going to give Chad a sibling, now was the time, while they were still young.

"Plumbbob Diety, am I pregnant?"
Now where would the fun be in it if I told you?

Maxing Out Charisma

Next he decided to try out Cadence's toy from when she was a criminal. It seemed only fair since she hogged his surgery dummy for so long.

Cadence here is going to write my first ever Great Novel. I've never bothered with it because I heard it takes forever. So we're going to find out.

Aww Chad, what a cutey bear you look like. He's not really ugly you know, it's just his features don't quite work with one another.

Maxing Out Creativity
Chad ChalmersNeat-10, Outgoing-3, Active-9, Playful-3, Nice-1
Yay! This neigborhood may be filled with nasty sims, but at least I've got a fair number of neat freak sims. Actually, the way Aremis is going, I just have to marry his kids into the other families to solve the slob problems.

This is Chad's room. It's a little bit bare right now because neither of his parents worked at all this weekend.

"I am like so glad to see another kid! I'm surrounded by babies, and my mother says she wants five more."
"I thought you said your brother and sister just grew-up?"
"They did, but I've got another brother and sister that are still babies."
"Um, ok, wanna play Mary Mack?"

Way to go Phoenix, I guess next round you get to try to find a job in the Paranormal track. It wasn't his LTW, so it's no biggie.

Great Novel accomplished. It took her roughly 2 days with breaks only for the energizer.

I tried, but I just couldn't come up with some smart a**ed comment about this. I know there's something to say about it, but I just can't think up anything snarky enough.
Be sure to check back next week to attend the birth of Cadence's baby!
End of Round ReviewCadenceFriends: 14
Work: Icon
IW: $82,264 / $100,000
Skills: Cooking-5, Mech-10, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-6, Creativity-10, Cleaning-2
PhoenixFriends: 2
Work: Chief of Staff
LTW/IW: 6 / 7 Skills Maxed
Skills: Cooking-10, Mech-10, Charisma-10, Body-8, Logic-10, Creativity-10, Cleaning-10
ChadFriends: 2
School: C+, Public
Skills: Cooking-3, Charimsa-8, Logic-3, Creativity-6, Cleaning-3
Household Value: $80,074
Horray for the next great novel. There's a mod at MATY that will give your sim a progress bar for writing a novel.
Thanks for the tip Lisa. I've actually got that hack, I was just careful to not show it in the picture,lol. Glad to hear from you again! I don't mind fly by readers (especially since I'm one of them) but I love comments!
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