So what are the Luworlds-Notts up too? Well, everyone is sleeping except for Tara who's got a bit of gold fever.
This round is Monday 10pm-Thursday 10pm, which means that Grayson and Monica don't work the entire round. Let's see what they're doing with their time off.

Well, it looks like Grayson has stocked the bird cage again. I guess that means he's going to work on his charisma. It looks like Monica's decided it's time to start calling her friends back.

Tuesday afternoon Magenta came home with a promotion. The worse part is that she would have gotten the promotion even without the chance card. Good thing I chose right!

The same night Tara finally maxed out her creativity. To be fair she doesn't have much time for painting with all the harvesting she does.

Tina managed to find her way over to the house. I let Monica chat with her for a few minutes but then I reminded her that pregnant sims are notorious for leaving puddles behind them and she said good-bye.

Loretta is still playing Cinderella for the rest of the family. You'd think her parents would clean up after themselves since they didn't even have to go to work.

Wednesday night Tara sold her first masterpiece, which means that from now on she will ALWAYS have that want. Oh well, at least it's almost guaranteed.

On Thursday Magenta finally made it to the top of her career track. 1 down, 5 to go.

That was all that Tara had been waiting for and she got on the phone as soon as she finished her homework to leave for college.
End of Round ReviewMonicaFriends: 8
Work: Coach
Skills: Cooking-3, Mech-7, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-1, Creativity-9, Cleaning-3
GraysonFriends: 13
Work: Assistant Coach
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-7, Charimsa-10, Body-10, Logic-9, Creativity-9, Cleaning-9
TaraFriends: 10, 2 Pet Friends
School: A+, Private
LTW: 1/6 Pets Reached Top Career Level
IW: >$10,000/$100,000 (I forgot to check before she left for college)
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-9, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8
LorettaFriends: 8, 1 Pet Friend
School: A+, Private
LTW: 7/20 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-4, Charisma-9, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-8, Cleaning-2
MagentaWork: Star
Learned Behaviors: Yardbroken, Eat Pet Food, Stays Off Beds, Playful, Clean, Respectful
Commands: Come Here, Play Dead, Roll Over, Speak
Household Value: $63,871
1 comment:
Aww, yay Magenta! And Tara is off to University... where she will probably sell lots of masterpieces, haha. It's true, normally once Popularity or Fortune sims get that want, it never goes away! It's an easy aspirational pick-me-up, though.
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