These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Monday, January 22, 2007

Week 2 - Round 4 - Rainseeker Home

Popularity central is just hopping today, come on in, sit down and chat with the toddlers, or play chess with Tom, or just hang out with Sierra and Aremis. You'll make more friends in one visit to this house than anywhere else in Knowlton!

I knew it would happen eventually, someone finally brought home hippo lips. Why couldn't it have been Serena?

Well I guess there is one good thing to say about Hippo-Lips. She helped Sierra gain body skill points faster, and yeah, Mom's back. I wonder if they kept the house cleaner if she'd show up less often?

This house is always full, they great almost anyone who walks by, we have two in the living room playing with one of the toddlers (can't remember which is which)...

One playing chess with Tom, and of course Hippo-Lips, *snicker*.

Blurried for under-age readers even if it is just a backside, but it was too funny to pass up. She got stuck in the shower because apparently Tom's blocking her way. I guess I need to rearrange the bathroom.

Meanwhile poor Aremis is studying for scholarships.

It's the weekend so Tom invites over a whole crowd of people. After all, we need to take advantage of the new invite household option.

"Stupid punching bag, why do I have to hit you when I could be inside making friends!"

Even when they're in someone else's chapter they have to steal the show!
Too cute for words!

Sierra got home and tried to help Aremis when his athletics scholarship, but he got a little too stinky.

It's kinda weird when you bathe your uncle, but hey he needed a bath.

One of the few tranquil moments in this house. It was taken at 5:12 a.m. I guess that's why they don't have a ton of guests crowding it up. I had to take a wall down because there were so many people they couldn't walk around. I think they need an extra bathroom too.

Oh No! Not Tom, I really loved him, we'll miss you Tom. At least he'd just sold a masterpiece, so he was platinum. I hadn't checked his stats yet that day though.

The twins grew up at the same time, luckily neither of them had a fear of Tom dying or a relative dying, so they grew up well.

Billy Rainseeker
Neat-10, Outgoing-3, Active-9, Playful-3, Nice-1

Bobby Rainseeker
Neat-5, Outgoing-3, Acitve-7, Playful-3, Nice-7

Aremis left right after Tom's death. He also inherited money from Tom, but I've no idea how much.

Sierra took out her anger over Tom's death on the punching bag.

Billy meanwhile decided that he'd make his father proud by doing well in school. Bobby was just exhausted from the whole ordeal and went to bed.

Um, Bobby, you do realise that there are no flying elephants and that Billy's cheating, right?

Poor Sierra, Tom had died, and now she was left raising twin boys on her own with all sorts of family responsibilities and still trying to get promotions. Sometimes it just felt like too much for one sim.

The house felt awful and empty with Tom and Aremis both gone, so Sierra decided to cheer herself and the boys up by bringing home this adorable Kitten. His name is Bonkers, and he really is cute.

He was promptly installed in his luxurious pet room, which had everything a kitten could ever want right down to pet tiling, and cat wallpaper.

Sierra had also spent a large amount of money remodeling the house. She knew that one day she'd want to have parties again, and their house and been too small for that really.

Stay tuned, next time we visit Aremis and Samantha in college. Two of the worlds biggest popularity sims have been let loose at Sim State University. However will the campus cope?

End of Round Review:

Friends: family, 6 non-family
Work: daycare/painting/haunting now, I guess
Skills: approx. Cooking-3, Mech-2, Logic-2, Creativity-10

Friends: family, 4 non-family
Work: Superstar
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-4, Charisma-9, Body-10, Logic-3, Creativity-7, Cleaning-10

Friends: family, 9 non-family
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-1, Mech-4, Charisma-3, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-8, Cleaning-4

Friends: family, 1 non-family
School: C+, Public
Skills: Cooking-5, Charisma-8, Logic-5, Creativity-3, Cleaning-1

Friends: family, 1 non-family
School: C+, Public
Skills: Cooking-4, Charisma-8, Logic-5, Creativity-2

Household Value: $70,403


Mao said...

That's a really cool strategy you have, with the toddlers making friends and constantly greeting walk-bys. I guess I am just too lazy for Popularity sims!

Poor Tom, his elder days are over. He's been replaced by a kitty! Wow, that room is MASSIVE compared to that tiny little cat. Definitely kitty heaven for the little guy.

NightRowan said...

Thanks mao! I'm coming to anticipate your comments and look forward to them. My counter may tell me people are stopping by, but it doesn't tell me what they think, so please keep commenting, it's the best part of my day.

As for Tom, well, if you think that's bad, just wait till you see what happens next round over at the Rainseekers'!

Lisa said...

Hi, I found your story over on JennTSG's site.

I'm really enjoying it so far.