Sierra, this is not your chapter. Go Home!!!!

As you can see, this house has also had a pond and greenhouse added. It's not really that much more work once they get good at it, and they never have to buy groceries. This house will probably have to keep buying groceries because I think that Serena is going to stop selling useless wedding cakes and champagne and start selling fresh food, and cheesecakes of course!

Cora called a few friends to take advantage of the end of summer and then spent the night painting. I really have to remember next time I install an expansion pack to remember to save at like 6 am or something instead of 10 pm. Hmm, good idea. Okay, from now on the rounds will end at 6 am Friday, and 6 am Tuesday. I know I'm supposed to do that at the beginning of the round, but it won't make much of a difference to the Luworlds. They'll just get a few extra hours next round to catch up.

Poor sims, their energy was maxed at 10pm at night which means they were up all night. It's now 5 am, so it's time to start caffeinating them so they can go to work and school without coming home ready to go to bed.

Still talking about the weather! Cora can't wait to see her first snow!

Apparently Serena is less thrilled about snow. Then again, she's an Elder, it might make her arthritis worse.

What a beautiful day to start my garden. Thank you Maxis for the greenhouse. Now my sims can garden in fall when they'll learn the fastest!

Go Cora Go!

I love how easy it is to earn that first badge in fall!

Cora's pretty much set for college now, but she's decided to stick around long enough to rake up these leaves for her mother and finish her latest painting.

I actually feel kind of bad about this because Brandi is one of my favorite townies.
Woohoo Number 25 with Brandi LeTourneau
"You're serious? I earned $7,000 dollars? Awesome! I'll be right there."

"Seeya in a few years kid. Try to remember to have some fun and get some action at school, will ya?"
Not the most maternal of people, our Serena.

Golden Retirement for Serena. She's got her hands full with sleeping around, running a business, and now learning to garden and fish.

"Well hello Waylon, aren't you a handsome old devil. Here's the money for the repairs, I wrote my number on the back of the 100."

Serena won't be going into the shop this round. Instead she's going to concentrate on fishing and gardening to build up her stock a little.

There you go folks. That's how you earn a Silver Gardening badge in just two days. Fourteen plots, fertilize, plant, water, tend, water. That's all it took me. Oh, and of course you have to do it all in autumn!

Cripes Ricky! Get out of here before you wife founds out you just happened to walk by Serena's!

Serena's got it all figured out. Why get wet when you're fishing in the rain when you do it under an extended roof!

Sometime in the early hours of the morning she earned her Bronze Fishing badge. As you can see her garden is growing nicely.

After fishing all night Serena took a quick trip to a supervised energizer visit and then tended to her garden.

Once that was done she was free to call her newest beau up for a quick date.
Woohoo Number 26 with Rodney Wolosenko
Fully energized from her date, Serena heads back to her chores, this time she needs to rake up those leaves and compost them. Luckily for her she only has two trees that are dropping leaves since her other two trees are placed with objects around them that are blocking falling leaves.

Then she had to tend to all the landscaping flora and take care of her mother's gravesite. Quite honestly I find it a little creepy that her grave plot is just sitting there waiting for her. Then again, I find people who buy their grave plots ahead of time a little creepy. But then, I'm still young enough that I don't really think of my death except for in the vague accidental or 50 years in the future kind of way.

6 am Friday found her back in her garden tending her tomatoes again.
End of Round ReviewSerenaFriends: 22 (17 Loves)
Work: Retired Hall of Famer
IW: 26 / 30 Woohoos
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-7, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-3, Creativity-4, Cleaning-5
Badges: Register-Silver, Sales-Gold, Gardening-Silver, Fishing-Bronze
CoraFriends: 10
School: A+, Private
Work: Pickpocket
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-8, Body-9, Logic-8, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8
Household Value: $90,159Woohoo CentralRank 5: Proficient Purveyor
Customer Loyalty Stars: 32
Business Value:
1 comment:
I would remove my mod, but it has advanced shading/etc not used within the game to preserve The Sims 2's cartoony look. The mod enables this, giving The Sims 2 a look more akin to a 'normal' computer game. Not that I don't love the cartoony graphics--they're just not good for storytelling. I did play a bit with it off, though... wow, I was so disoriented, LOL!
I LOVE Fall! I have three Falls at all my Unis... why couldn't we have had Fall for Uni? It's like they were made to be joined. It makes it go by so much faster! And I can't believe you're nearly at WooHoo number 30! Wow.
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