These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Week 1 - Round 1 - Wetstein House

Let's do things right this time. This is the Wetstein family. I swear I use a name generater so it's really not my fault! With a family this big they are REALLY poor. They live on the grass. There's only one crib.

This is Debbie and her granddaughter April. Debbie is a Knowledge sim whose LTW is to Max Out 7 Skills. She's a Sagittarius (Neat-2, Outgoing-3, Active-9, Playful-7, Nice-4). April is a Libra (Neat-2, Outgoing-8, Active-2, Playful-6, Nice-7) who is destined to become a Family sim.

Here we have Debbie's daughter Serena and her daughter Kirsty. Serena is another Romance sim only she has the dread 20 Woohoo want. Serena is a Scorpio (Neat-6, Outgoing-5, Active-8, Playful-3, Nice-3). At least she has good stats for the Military or Athletic careers. Kirsty is a Libra with the same stats as her twin sister, but she's destined to be a Knowledge sim.

And finally we have Serena's daughter Amber. She's a Gemini (Neat-4, Outgoing-7, Active-8, Playful-3, Nice-3) who is destined to become Knowledge. Again, I swear I used a randomiser to create this 'hood. Yet still I ended up with and abondance of females, and lots of Knowledge sims, who are my favorites!

This should pretty much sum up the next few days. I figure the adults will train the toddlers and that's about it, while poor Amber paints constantly to earn some cash. I had to sell some of the little furniture they had to buy the missing crib.

Suffice it to say, the girls were a little difficult and everyone's needs were always bottoming out because it takes soooo long to take a bath. So the twins were forced to grow up a day early. Both at the level of Miracle Mite of course! They both got all toddler skills plus 7 charisma each and two none family friends each. And of course the barely know each other, and Amber isn't even friends with Kirsty because she was always sleeping when she got home from school.

The house now has two and a half bathrooms, and we're one bed short, but that's okay. Debbie uses the energizer so she can keep skilling.

With all the girls finally off to school the ladies of the house can start building their skills, with Deb's cooking skills and Serena's romancing skills the whole headmaster thing would be a sinch if it weren't for the fact that they live in a hovel still. And since it'll be kinda hard to fulfill Serena's LTW if she has a live in lover I can't go that route.

Here's a face shot of Kirsty, poor kids wicked stinky, nobody in this family ever has a healthy mood. Oh well, with another promotion or two we should be able to buy a dining table and chairs and maybe more than one easel.

I couldn't even get one of April with her eyes open, she was exhausted.

So the rotation end review, which I've decided is a great idea! Kinda lets everyone know what's going on between pics, especially since I forget to take pictures half the time, sigh.


Is friends with all 3 of the girls but needs to work on her relationship with Serena. She doesn't have any none family friends yet, but there are a couple in the works. Skill wise she's up to 9 Cooking and halfway to maxing it out, but that's it.

Serena: Is friends with the twins but needs to work on her relationship with Amber and Debbie. She's friends with Tara Luworld, but hasn't had a single Woohoo yet. Holden is almost ready and in the meantime she's building friendships with some future conquests. Skill wise she's at 1 Charisma, 2 Body, 1 Cleaning. She's currently employed as a Minor Leaguer.

Amber: Is only friends with her grandmother, so she has a lot of work to do in the family area, but she is friends with Tara and Grayson. Her grandmother taught her to study, and she got her first A+ today. Skills: Cooking-1, Logic-2, Creativity-2. Don't ask.

April: Is friends with the whole family except Amber and is also friends with Grayson and Marisa. She learned how to study today from her mother, so I expect her to start doing really well in school soon. Skills: Cooking-3, Charisma-7, Logic-3.

Kirsty: Is friends with the whole family except Amber, and is friends with Randy London and Aremis Rainseeker. Her mother taught her to study tonight so her grades should skyrocket. Skills: Charisma-7, Logic-2.

1 comment:

Rhexy said...

Almost missed this fam...oops! Glad I saw them. ;)

And the round update is really good for the end of the post. I should consider doing that!