These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

W6 - Luworld Home

A/N: I'm hoping to start updating on a more regular basis, but don't hold me to it. Especially with summer vacation fast approaching. I realize that for a lot of my younger fellow simmers, summer means more simming time, but that's because you probably don't have kids yet. All of the simmers my age or older are probably looking at the approaching holidays with dread, and a touch of sadness for the loss of our sanity and our time with our sims, lol. Yeah, you can call me an ageist pig if you want to, but it's true. Once you have children, summer holidays aren't the same anymore. Instead they mean you have to play referee from 6am - 9 pm. Even if you go on outings or trips with the kids, you're still stuck being the stick in the mud. My husband keeps telling me we only have 15 more years to go. To me that sounds like an awful long time, and there's no guarantee that they won't try to move back in after college. Truthfully I love my kids, but they were little monsters today, and I'm feeling a bit frustrated with the whole parenting thing. On a happier note, I've brought back the more elaborate birthday scrapbook pages since everyone seemed to be loving them so much.

Last week at the Luworld Home, Monica and Grayson had the house to themselves for the first time in their lives, and spent most of the week doing things together. A lot of time was spent gardening and fishing, but they also made sure to keep the fire hot in their relationship. There's nothing like two elderly romance sims to show you how you don't have to lose the passion as you get older. Meanwhile, Loretta finished up her college years and headed home.

Monday (Winter)

As you can see, Monica is extremely happy. You see, last time I played the Luworld Home (about 10 months ago) I promised Monica that I would find her some pink outerwear. Well I couldn't find any, so I made some (please don't laugh at my pathetic recoloring attempts, I'm better at objects, honest!). While I was looking for pink outerwear I did find her some new everyday clothing, complete with a wonderbra and control top panties! It's actually better than a nip and tuck since it's relatively painless.

Loretta Luworld
Aspiration: Popularity
LTW: Have 20 Best Friends
2nd LTW: Become Captain Hero
Neat-5, Outgoing-5, Active-9, Playful-8, Nice-1
Turn-Ons: Cologne & Glasses, Turn-Off: Underwear

Monica wouldn't even let Loretta into the house until she'd changed out of the orange 'tutorial' sweater, so you don't really get to see her horrible clothing taste again. I'm sure everyone's eyes are grateful.

Hah! I had a bet going with myself that Loretta would be a sports sim! I'm dreadfully worried that most of the town is going to be into sports. The problem with that is that I'm not, so I'm not going to be able to make any good sports related comments. The only sports I'm into are horseback riding and hockey, neither of which is an option. Come on, I'm Canadian, you had to know that I was going to have at least a passing knowledge of it. I don't have a choice, most of my step-dads were into it, my brother is, and all of the guys I've ever dated have been. It's hard to ignore. Alas, once again the Canadians won't be going for the cup. They haven't won since I was a teenager, so I guess I shouldn't be surprised.

I'd have to agree with Monica, that's hilarious! It seems that I was rather lax in training Pinkie, and she was still missing Play Dead for a promotion. Hey! You try it, with so many sims, so many pets, so many houses, my poor binder just isn't up to keeping track. Especially since my two youngest children have a habit of coloring in it when I'm not looking.

Yes, it's winter, but Loretta was so excited about the pool makeover that she had to give it a shot. Good thing all the pools in Knowlton are heated.

Man, I'm really getting good at guessing which hobbies will appeal to my sims! I can't quite figure Grayson out though, so it'll have to be trial and error for him. He's mostly got a middle-of-the-road personality, except he's playful and somewhat lazy. Neither of those have an activity that combines both, so we'll just have to see.

Monica, didn't your mother ever tell you that running around waving your arms is the worst thing to do around bees?
"No, I don't have a mother, remember?"
Oops, ok, my bad.

Cool, now you can fulfill your 2nd Lifetime want!

Yes, Grayson has decided to help Monica out with her garden while he tries to find that one hobby that's perfect for him. After all, he's retired now, what better time to pick up a hobby.

Games, huh? Could be worse.

Tuesday (Winter)

I'd like to take a moment to thank prin6je for making these wonderful gardening signs. Monica and I love them, it's so much easier to keep track of her planting now.

"Why is it ALWAYS BEES!!!!"

I expect nothing less from you my dear!

Monica insisted we buy a tent (in the dead of winter) and then insisted that she and Grayson needed to 'break it in'. Romance sims, gotta love 'em, at least the ones who are capable of being monogamous.

I kind of feel bad for making Pinkie take a bath outside in the middle of winter, but they always get jammed up in the rather tiny bathrooms when they try to wash her inside.

Wednesday (Winter)

I spent most of Wednesday trying to do something about the rather cluttered layout of the house. While it may suit Monica, it was driving me nuts. Just as I finished a chance card appeared.

Well, it was a foregone conclusion, but congratulations anyway. One question though, why is your new lifetime want to have 20 Best Friends when you already have 32 Best Friends?

Gee, I'm really glad to have such mature sims.....

"Do I know you? Oh wait, you're that girl that I got engaged to in college after only one date who never calls me, right?"

Well, I suppose I could move in anyway, after all, I did say I'd marry you didn't I?" Besides, this is a pretty sweet house. (She brought $14,000)

OMG!!! I'm gonna make you keep that outfit just for laughs, but we gotta do something about your hair and makeup honey.

Valerie Patch
Aspiration: Fortune
LTW: Become Business Tycoon
Neat-7, Outgoing-4, Active-1, Playful-8, Nice-5
Turn-Ons: Stink & Formal Wear, Turn-Off: Brown Hair
Predestined Hobby: Film & Literature

Many hours later, after a date, and some planning, it was decided that instead of having a big wedding, they'd do something small in the living room, although they both wore wedding dresses. No matter how huge a wedding they threw, there was no way they could invite all of Loretta's friends, and rather than offend those who couldn't come, they decided a private ceremony was the better way to go. I can't believe they didn't even invite Tara and her family though.

Here's another reason not to hold a Wedding Party. Fortune sims are more interested in their careers than their own weddings. At least she got lucky and found Business today. The chances of finding your dream career on the first day you look is becoming rather slim, especially if you're a college graduate which adds another possible four careers to the mix. It's madness I tell you, madness!

Thursday (Winter)

Naturally, Valerie doesn't work today, and of course she spun up a fear of selling a pulp novel. She's only got 5 Creativity, so I thought it best to have her work with paint instead.

Truth be told, nobody works today, so Monica is off for a hike, while Grayson and Loretta toss around a football.

Oh great! I just found Pinkie's secret widdle spot. Look at all of those weeds! Why can't she pee on the sidewalk like most dogs. At least it just evaporates there if one of my sims doesn't spot it.

No Monica! Bad Sim! You may not have any kind of romantic interaction with him whatsoever, and your daughter already has too many friends.

"Yeesh!! I've only been back home for a few days, and yet I'm still stuck with all the cleaning!"

This just doesn't seem to be your day Loretta.

I hate to admit it, but this is a familiar site to my family. No! Not the ballerina outfit, the reading while doing anything and everything else.

Good Lord Grayson!!! Don't you even care that your daughter and her wife are making out practically in your lap????
"It's the closest I'll ever get to being with someone other than my wife, so let me get my kicks where I can!"
Ewww! Grayson, you are definitely getting even pervier as you get older.

"Again with the chores?"
Don't you whine at me Loretta Luworld, you broke it this time, so it's only fair you clean it up and fix it.

"Welcome to the family dear. With your love of pink you should fit in well here."

Hah hah! No more tricks for me!

Grayson, why do you continue to torment me by playing Sims 3 instead of SSX 3 which I don't care about?
"You make me live in a pink house. Even the bathroom is pink now! I thought you said I could have a white bathroom?"
I'll consider it.

Friday (Spring)

You know, this outfit actually really suits her!

One great thing about hobbies, Monica, one of the sloppiest sims I know, has suddenly decided that she must earn cleaning skills. Of course, she won't do it by cleaning, but at least she's interested.

Monica is really getting into the gardening, now if only she'd spin up the want to join the gardening club...

In fact, Monica's doing so well with the gardening that she's been given some fruit trees to take care of too!

I think Grayson likes Pinkie more than he lets on, he plays with her whenever I haven't asked him to do something else.

"One day I will have enough money to build the home theater of my dreams..."

Go Grayson! I almost forgot with all the hobbying that I wanted you to get a gold gardening badge too. Meanwhile, has anyone figured out where this 'read to sleep' option is?

Saturday (Spring)

It's o'dark hour, but Loretta wanted to get some practice in before work. You know, you'll be quitting that job soon.

"Good day to you Mr. Graham, I was wondering about membership in your gardening club?"

And so the inspection began.... For some reason they seemed to have a hard time with the veggie plots. I wonder if it's the signs or the fencing?

Hah! Woohoo! That was much easier than I thought! Even if the trees and some of the veggies did decide to need tending in the middle of the inspection.

Maybe if I pretend I don't see her, she'll leave....

"I can't believe you walk around in public wearing that!"
Thank you Whitney, someone had to say something eventually.

"Now that's what I call a FISH!!!"

Sunday (Spring)

Monica, it's 4 a.m., I think even the nocturnal bugs are sleeping now.

Woot! It's Zone time!!!

At least the daily newspaper is now good for something.

Good, now if only I could figure out which of my hacks is causing the glitch with novel writing. I suspect it's the novel progress one. I guess we'll find out at the next house since I'm not quitting and restarting just to test that theory.

End of Round Review

Friends: 3 Family, 13 Non-Family, 1 Pet Friend
Work: Retired
IW: 0/20 Woohoos
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-7, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-3, Creativity-10, Cleaning-7
Badges: Gardening-Gold, Fishing-Bronze
Hobbies: Nature-10

Friends: 2 Family, 14 Non-Family, 1 Pet Friend
Work: Retired
IW: 0/20 Woohoos
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-7, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-10, Creativity-10, Cleaning-9
Badges: Fishing-Gold, Gardening-Silver
Hobbies: Games-9, Sports-2, Nature-6

Friends: 4 Family, 28 Non-Family
Work: College Senior Professor
IW: 32/30 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-9, Charisma-9, Body-10, Logic-9, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8
Badges: Gardening-Gold, Fishing-Silver
Hobbies: Sports-7, Fitness-1

Friends: 1 Family, 4 Non-Family
Work: Executive
IW: ? (I forgot to check)
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-4, Charisma-4, Body-1, Logic-3, Creativity-10, Cleaning-2
Badges: None
Hobbies: Cuisine-4, Film & Literature-5, Games-3, Science-1, Arts & Crafts-8, Nature-1

Work: Pet Corps
Behaviors: Calm, Yardbroken, Eat Pet Food, Playful, Clean, Respectful
Commands: Come Here, Stay, Play Dead, Speak

Household Value: $150,295


Anonymous said...

Woot, another update, awesome. Holidays aren't coming up here, but I totally understand how hectic it can be, especially if you have kids. Even though I don't have kids, its still a crazy time since I get a load of kid painting classes requests. So, in essence I end up spending a lot of time with them. And lets not forget my little terror of a niece, lol. But we still love 'em don't we.

Lol to the bee's, gotta love Maxis sense of humour. Yeah, I hear ya about repeating hobbies. My one household is almost entirely Science, and another almost entirely Sports. I wish they had made the hobbies generate based on what that sim is doing with their life. For instance, Hunter is a Celebrity Chef, technically he loves cooking right, shouldn't his hobby be cuisine. But instead its Music & Dance. I suppose he needs a break from all the cooking, but it was just a natural deduction to me anyway.

Anyway, I really laughed at all the pink you have going on in this house. Especially whenever I saw a man standing in the middle of it all, lol. And your recolour of the outerwear is awesome. And very suiting to Monica. I'd love to see what your hood looks like, I'd imagine its quiet jam packed.

Anyway, enough babbling, I really enjoyed the update and looking forward to the next one. Hope you can find some free time with the holidays coming up.

NightRowan said...

You can see the neighborhood silly, the post before this one is a Neighborhood Showcase of the neighborhood and all the houses at the end of round ten!

Much as I usually hate pink, I love playing this house just because it's so funny. I'm actually contemplating making this house a matriarchy, then again, if I do that we won't get to watch the men be freaked out, unless it's teenage sons.

Anonymous said...

Lol, my bad, I was so excited to see a new update I didn't even check for previous updates. Yes, you can say it, I'm blind.

But I was right at least, your hood is jam packed. It would take me forever to get through all those houses, dunno how you find the time. I have 4 households at the moment and its gonna expand soon, but I'm already struggling with just the four. I'm a terrible simmer, lol.

I love seeing the men go crazy in a house of pink, but I don't mind teens going crazy instead.