Week 5 - Round 10 - 8 Maple Square (Graham)
A/N: Yeah, I'm slow on the updating nowadays. Sorry folks. It's summer, which means I've got three kids underfoot instead of two, and I'm spending a lot of time outdoors with them. The blog's not dead, just slow.
Friday (Fall)
I seem to always start the week off with something good happening! Way to go Oliver, no more skill-building for you!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Today is the last day that the twins need looking after, so Amber's decided to take the day off and build up her stock of handcrafted bouquets.
Woot! One more promotion to go to permaplat! Unfortunately Oliver doesn't work again until Tuesday. And he and Marylena are almost friends so we'll just top that off while we wait for the twins to grow up!
Serena seems to have a knack for showing up just in time for birthdays. I swear she's more interesting in her grandchildren than she ever was in her own children.
Normally I have all of my kids marry university students. I think I may make an exception and have Kenneth marry Marylena. She's pretty, and I'm pretty sure after interviewing her that she's a knowledge sim. And she's rich!!! Looks like a dream come true. Too bad that Kenneth has to inherit the house instead of Claire. Stupid points for all male/female marriages taking the males name, combined with the points for all the houses staying in the same name. Of course, I could have her marry Claire, but I prefer my sims to be straight unless it's absolutely necessary. Not because there's anything wrong with that, but because it's so much more fun cursing at them when they won't get pregnant right away, lol.
Hah! I caught you Serena! You really do like being a grandmother! Watch out, I just may remember this when I get to your house and give you a proper Granny makeover, lol.
Serena, you're big saggy granny butt is spoiling my synchronized grow-up shot!
Let's just do something about this. Claire's choice is just horrid, and I don't really like Kenneth's look much either. I swear, I need to remember to find more boys clothes.
At least the twins birthday gave Amber a chance to connect with her mom.
To the chess table with both of you. I will not abide children who barely know each other.
That chore out of the way, make friends with your grandmother so she'll leave you some cash kiddo.
Saturday (Fall)
It's Saturday morning. Are the kids watching cartoons like normal children? Of course not, they're working on their cooking skills. Well if they want to sell lemonade, and they do of course, they've got to learn to make it first.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
It seems that Kenneth is one of those kids who gets a permanent boost from the smart milk. His sister and he started studying at the same time and yet he earned 4 points to her 2, which means I let him out early to try his hand at the lemonade stand.
Claire did get her turn eventually, mostly so that that want would stop clogging up her wants panel.
I'd have to say that the business is doing really well. Look at all the customers with bags in their hands. They may not be expensive bags, but we're not really in this for the money. It's more to see if we can get to level 10, and on the odd chance that some of Knowlton's locals will buy a snapdragon, thus saving themselves from having to earn a gold floral badge. My only worry is the amount of pregnant sims this place attracts. At one point every single pregnant sim in town was in here at the same time.
It's always seemed silly to me that the kids are ready for bed at 6:30-7:00pm. It should be more like 8pm-8:30pm. Thanks to Seasons though, I can now caffeinate my children!
Sunday (Fall)
Amber returns in the early hours of the morning fully recharge and sets to work restocking and building more stock. The work of an entrepreneur is never done.Monday (Winter)
It's Monday finally! With the kids off to school I can concentrate more fully on the shop. Not much happened on Sunday. The business got to level 7 and the kids spent the day skill building and building relationships, not to mention cheering up their grandmother who seems to hate her daughter's store.Cool! Our first Blue-Bag customer! You've got to admit, that's pretty impressive when you're dealing with low end stuff like flowers. Of course it probably helps that Amber raised the price of everything to average this morning.
The kids both brought home friends from school. I forgot what a pain in the butt that is when you're running a home business. I had to keep the shop open late in order for them to have time to make friends with the brats. It was almost 10pm before Amber and Oliver had time to teach the kids to do their homework. Today almost wiped out their inventory though, so tomorrow will be restocking, cleaning, and the headmaster.
End of Round Review
Friends: Family-8, Non-Family-15
Work: Cult Leader
IW: 7 / 7 Skills Maxed
Badges: Floral-Gold, Register-Silver, Restocking-Silver, Sales-Gold
Friends: Family-3, Non-Family-6
Work: Theorist
IW: 7 / 7 Skills Maxed
Badges: Floral-Bronze, Register-Silver
Friends: Family-4, Non-Family-2
School: B+, Public
Skills: Cooking-3, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-3, Creativity-6
Friends: Family-4, Non-Family-1
School: B+, Public
Skills: Cooking-8, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-2, Cleaning-4
Amber's Flowers
Rank 8 - Esteemed Establishment
Business Value: $40,000
Customer Loyalty Stars: 78
Household Value: $112,769
Surprisingly flower shops aren't that easy to maintain, well thats just my experience from Mila's flower shop anyway.
Ha ha I still laugh whenever I see Serena, she certainly is a character.
Just to let you know, that I've decided to continue on with the legacy. I've posted another episode, in case your interested.
Update soon, whichever story. I love them both, so I'm not picky!
Great update, I'm just catching up. Remember that there are only points for having each of your ORIGINAL households keep their original name. Any households added to the playlist after set up don't count for those points so you needn't worry about having a male heir.
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