Welcome to 13 Ash Square

Designed by the very talented
vertefae of TSR especially for this Challenge. In fact, she's the only person who joined the Generations 2 Building Challenge. Nobody else wants to help out? I've had to redesign her original house slightly because we ran into a glitch were the carpool was coming to the side of the house instead of the front. You can find the
G2 Building Challenge here. I've actually partially built it a bit further than the first step thanks to some extra college money.

The new tenant? None other than Rowan Night. However, as you can see, Rowan has rather horrid taste in clothing, so let's give her a quick makeover before I reintroduce her.

Rowan is rather lacking funds, and I'm kind of anal about my women being the same age or younger than their spouses, so here comes Grizou!

Man, his taste in clothing is even worse than Rowan's. At least he brought enough cash with him for a computer and some new clothes.
Ah, that's better. Grizou's back in his trademark shirt, and Rowan has one of my preferred outfits. Time for photos!
Rowan NightAspiration:
Knowledge2nd LTW:
Reach Top of Journalism CareerNeat-9, Outgoing-4, Active-8, Playful-0, Nice-4
VirgoTurn-Ons: Facial Hair & Glasses, Turn-Off: Stink
Grizou NightAspiration:
Become Celebrity ChefNeat-4, Outgoing-7, Active-8, Playful-3, Nice-3
GeminiTurn-Ons: Underwear & Makeup, Turn-Off: Vampires

Rowan settles down to the business of finding a job, while Grizou scarfs down TWO pieces of pizza. Ever noticed that people are always starving when they show up?

Rowan is still working on her Gold Flower Arranging Badge while she waits for her carpool to arrive. No rest for the wicked I guess.

Meanwhile Grizou greets Jerome Cox when he randomly wanders by. Hey, popularity sim here.

I did make him stop long enough for a career search.
"With my education I should be getting better pay than this!"
Next time major in something that's beneficial to your LTW then.

Rowan's off to her first day in Journalism as an Investigatory Journalist. She's quite repulsed by the hideous man that the paper has sent to bring her to work.

Welcome Wagon! Kirsty Wetstein-Collin(9 Oak Square), Weldon Collin(9 Oak Square), and Brandi Mazza(12 Oak Square). Excellent, two out of the three need more friends, which is excellent for Grizou.

Ah, my wonderful energizer. Despite the fact that it's still broken it's still tied for for 2nd place in my list of preferred aspiration rewards. Thinking Caps get first place and Smart Milk is tied with the Energizer.

Have you ever noticed that sims will choose the least comfortable chair to study on?

Rowan is still being a pain in the neck and refused to flash her Gold Florist Badge at me, so this will have to do.

It's only Rowan's second day in the neighborhood and she's managed to fulfill her 2nd LTW. Seems like Maxis put a cap on it at 2 though.

While she was away at work Grizou greeted Phoenix Chalmers (6 Maple Square) and chatted him up a bit. Grizou's gone back to painting though and it looks like Phoenix has decided to help out with the yard work.

Rowan helps him out and then they go in to have some leftovers for dinner.

Once they got rid of Phoenix, Grizou and Rowan decided to celebrate Rowan's promotion by going on a date. By the end of the evening Grizou had decided that it was time to make his move.

Then of course they had to celebrate that in the time honored tradition.

Heh heh heh, love the boxers Grizou. You better shoo Baxter before he destroys your flowers. Has anyone else noticed that Baxter is showing up everywhere
except at Tara's?

OMG, lmao, Rowan's got matching underwear. I swear I had nothing to do with this, but it sure is hilarious!

Wednesday morning, it's now Grizou's turn to do some yard work, still love the boxers man.

Rowan gets to slack off a bit and fish in their brand new pond. I'm actually rather proud of this one. Landscaping is not my forte, and it's much harder to duplicate someones use of the water tool or terrain paints. As you can see, I mostly avoid terrain paints because I'm absolutely horrid with them.

Grizou's finally off to his first day of work as a Host. Hmm, I've been told that that really is what men think about at work.

Aww, look a kitty! With a name like Moonshine Rowan just has to make friends with this cat.

Rowan brought Priya home from work with her and then abandoned her to befriend Moonshine, so it's left to Grizou to entertain their human guest, and he's all too happy to oblige.
(I installed all of the bin families in Bluewater Village, but I'm not playing them, they just exist same as the other people who automatically live at Uni or Downtown)
Darn cat! I bought a scratching post just to avoid this!

Rowan you pest! Yet again she refuses to flash her new Gold Badge at me (fishing).

Time for Rowan to do some job jumping in order to get career rewards. Today's jobs: Music-Concert Pianist, Gamer-Real Time Strategizer, Science-Top Secret Researcher, Business-President, Athletic-Coach. After taking each she settled in Music for the day since it pays the most.

"Hey everyone, the wedding's over here!"

"I just love your dress Abbie! It's so you!"

Abbie's smoking up the guitar!
The Ceremony

"Your dress is exceedingly pink you know."

Bobby quit hogging the pinball machine. Why can't you be more like Abbie, you'll notice that she's the only person actually cleaning up after herself.

Time to seal the deal! Remember, it's a time honored sim tradition!

Grizou was supposed to work today, but he's going to try faking sick. He must be a great actor, because despite all the party noise in the background, they give him the day off!

It's smustling time!

After a Roof Raising Party it's off for the honeymoon.

No sooner are they back from their honeymoon then Rowan starts building toys, working on her next badge. Poor Grizou is once again stuck with all the yard work and post party clean-up.

For some reason, Rowan has the strongest craving for pizza. I've decided to let them keep the some of the chairs "rented" for the party since they were nicer than the old ones. Poor Grizou is still gardening 4 hours later, and still hasn't had time to clean up the party mess.

"I swear I will sue that pizza place..."
Rowan, I don't think that's the problem.

Grizou seems inclined to believe that the wall of boots is a masterpiece.

Quick, earn some more career rewards before you get put on maternity leave.
"I'm not pregnant"
Whatever you say dear, do it anyway.
Today's jobs: Natural Science-Unnatural Crossbreeder, Slacker-Freelance Photographer, Politics-Senator, Culinary-Executive Chef, and the job she'll keep, Artist-Acclaimed Muralist.

Yeah, but you don't believe that you're pregnant right?
End of Round ReviewGrizouFriends: 7
Work: Waiter
IW: 5 / 30 Best Friends
Skills: Cooking-5, Mech-1, Charisma-4, Body-4, Logic-5, Creativity-8, Cleaning-6
RowanFriends: 11, 1 Pet Friend
Work: Acclaimed Muralist
IW: 7 / 7 Skills Maxed
Badges: Floral-Gold, Toy Making-Bronze, Gardening-Gold, Fishing-Gold
Household Value: $42,449
Awesome! You did a fantastic job rebuliding the house.
I canned myself at the uderwear thing, its fitting! Sims will choose the closest chair available by the bookcase when they study.
Great update, can't wait for it all to swing around again.
I'm glad you approve of the rebuild Vertefae, I was a little worried that you would be displeased with the new placement of the driveway. It's a good thing I posted the link to the challenge, because I forgot to take any overhead/layout shots before I started upgrading. I'm really loving this house, and I'm kind of sad that I won't get to play it for 2-4 weeks.
Taryn, welcome to my regular commenters list. I thrive off of the comments left by Lisa and Mao and know I'll have your input too! Makes for a very happy simmer. Glad you're enjoying the read, it looks like you joined us just in time to avoid my month long sabbatical.
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