These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Saturday, May 12, 2007

Week 5 - Round 10 - Wetstein Home

As you can see, Serena's up to her usual tricks! I don't really feel bad for Abhijeet though, he's as bad as her. Bloody romance sims.

Their lifetime relationship was only at about 30 when Abhijeet came over, but Serena's very practiced in the art of seduction and it wasn't long before Abhijeet fell for her charms. Which quickly led them to the bedroom.

Woohoo Number 27 with Abhijeet Deppiesse

Serena's finally made it into the shop around eight at night, but one of the first things she does is try to electrocute one of her clients. Don't think that's going to help the business much.

Hmm, I'm wondering if this lot is glitched. Serena's got a gold sales badge and yet most of her sales were rejected, one of her lovers was insulted when she went to make out with him, and despite very expensive floors and walls, added lights, and tons of carpets, the environment score is about as low as a room full of dirty dishes.

Debbie's back!

Just in time to watch Serena earn her Gold badge too!

Hmm, well, I don't know why this worked, but someone in the forums suggesting building a diagonal wall, and like magic, the environment score sky rocketed.

Calista's come to help out with the yard work. She's actually kind of pretty. Don't ask why Deb's painting is like that, I don't know, and I've tried everything to fix it.

Serena, you minx, you broke that on purpose so he'd come over, didn't you?

"Here, let me rub your shoulders for you, it's the least I can do after you banged that shower for me."

Woohoo Number 28 with Waylon Fairchild

Woohoo Number 29 with Waylon Fairchild

A present, a suitor, and mom, oh my!

Komei, you may be homely as all heck, but you just made Serena's hit list.

20th Love and 30th Woohoo!!!!
(for some reason Serena never did roll up the want, and she has no memory about it, but I'm still giving myself the points for it, because it was awful hard work. Of course, now she wants 30 Loves. I'm thinking about it.)

All Serena's hard work in the garden has finally come to fruition (couldn't help myself).

Serena decided to take the day off Monday and take care of some household chores. Oh good grief! Debbie's portrait's gone missing again.

End of Round Review

Friends: 24 friends (20 of whom are loves) + 4 family
Work: Retired Hall of Famer
IW: 30 / 30 Woohoo
20 / 30 Loves
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-7, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-3, Creativity-4, Cleaning-5
Badges: Register-Silver, Sales-Gold, Gardening-Gold, Fishing-Bronze

Household Value: $83,086

Woohoo Central
Rank 5: Proficient Purveyor
Customer Loyalty Stars: 44
Business Value: $47,838


Anonymous said...

Romance sims seem like such a handful, probably why I've never tried to play one before. The one I had I changed into a pleasure sim. But I've just gotten another one in my legacy, just can't avoid them.

So when you gonna show us who the dude with the question mark on his face is?
Great update as always, you had me canning myself. Happy simming

Mao said...

Oooh, congratulations!!

You make Romance sims seem so fun. ;)