Week 4 - Round 8 - Sim State Uni - Year 2
Welcome back to Sim State University. This year we'll be meeting two new co-eds. You see, my husband and my best friend both asked to be added to the game. It's a little odd because neither of them plays the sims. I think my husband just wants to marry Rowan because she's so hot (hey, when creating a simself it's okay to indulge in a little self-flattery, in other words, she's me 10 years ago!). As for my best-friend, well I think I'm slowly bringing her over to the dark side. She's always avoided the sims because she'd seen how addicted people get, but she's been getting curious. *evil chuckle* "I will corrupt you! I need more sims friends." Hopefully Rowan will make friends with them this term and invite them over so you can meet them. Thank Maxis for the Campus Directory!
It looks like Rowan may have decided to finally behave herself. When I arrived at Whispering Winds she actually had the want to earn a skill point!
Well, apparently the want to be agreeable and skill build like a good little Knowledge sim was a fluke, but I sent her upstairs to finish maxing out her charisma anyway.
How dare you think about the fact that you're a Knowledge sim when you refuse to roll up Knowledge sim wants! Stupid, Evil, sim-self, arghh!
Ergh, Rowan constantly fustrates me. She should be getting major aspiration points for writing her term paper, but she refuses to roll up the want to.
See? I told you he had the hots for her. They haven't even met yet, they've just talked on the phone, and yet he's always calling her!
I finally caved and allowed Rowan to have a party. The lovely blond she's talking with is Abbie Lee, my best-friend. She has mentioned that she won't allow sim-her to marry anyone ugly. Luckily for her, most of my sims aren't ugly, and even Chad may grow into his looks. It's too bad she's not into red-heads, because Aremis' brood are way cute. Until I find someone that suits her she'll be hanging out in college. Hey, at least she's a good option for Greek House placeholder if we need one!
And this is Grizou Night. My husband didn't have any real ideas for his last name, so I decided to give him Rowan's so she could have the same last name after she marries him!
Apparently she thinks young Grizou is hot! Actually so do I. He's not quite on Eddie's level, but he's quite handsome.
You see Abbie, this is why you should play sims. Now poor sim you has no idea what's about to happen to her. Sorry, Rowan kept spinning up the want to prank her.
Despite Rowan hitting Abbie with a waterballoon, the party was a hit. I've never understood why perfectly nice sims would want to prank their friends.
Huh, I guess Abbie isn't that mad about the whole waterballoon incident afterall.
Ah the good old days! I remember slow dancing. Then we had kids. Six more years and the oldest leaves for Cegep at least.
Poor husband, Grizou gets more action than he does. Just bad timing on our part. He likes to go to bed early and I'm a night owl.
This is annoying enough that I actually considered installing the pets patch, but I heard it caused more problems than it solved. Unfortunately Seasons is bound to include the patch, not to mention bring glitches of its own. Not to mention it'll mess up half of my hacks I'm sure.
I guess Rowan is more like me than I thought. She's constantly waiting till the last minute to pay her bills.
To all the women out there who say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach, to all those who say it's a good six inches lower, I have news for you. It's through backrubs!
You guys rock! Your first Woohoo and you decide to use the pickup truck. I think Grizou's grin is almost as big as the Woohoo heart's.
I'm not sure if I should be insulted for Rowan's sake or not. No gift after the first date, but she gives him some action and he leaves a huge fountain.
And another fountain after the next date. Wow sugar, I wish the real you was that big on presents!
It's time to say good-bye to Rowan now. She's actually been kinda fun despite her non-Knowledge sim wants. I'm sure she'll try to sneak into Billy and Bobby's chapters though.
We'll jump right into Billy's story. Billy here rolled up the want to join a Greek House, and Rowan was only too happy to get more camera time.
Billy spent the entire year dating, and I refuse to show endless dating pics, unless they're funny. So here's your date picture.
Why thank you Daisy. Good thing you guys don't need expensive gifts since Billy will inherit the Rainseeker Home.
Abbie showed up! Billy chatted her up and then left her to research while he went on another date.
Abbie managed to last through three dates before she was hungry enough to go home.
It appears that Bobby and Brandi are right where we left them, dating like crazy!
Now that's what I call a gift. The secret to making sure that they leave a gift and not ring your doorbell is to make sure that there are no sims in the room by the front door.
"Rowan! Good to see you girl! I was wondering, would you mind writing my term paper so I can go on more dates with Brandi?"
After 9pm and while waiting for Brandi to drop off roses, Billy spends time on the phone with his friends.
Photographic proof of 30 dates. The three japanese arrangements at the back represent his two dates with his highschool sweety, and the one date where Brandi walked off with his roses for some strange reason.
End of Round Review
Friends: 13
School: Drama, GPA 4.0
LTW/IW: 3 / 7 Skills Maxed
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-9, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-9, Creativity-7, Cleaning-10
Friends: 16
School: Art, GPA 4.0
LTW: 20 / 50 Dream Dates
Skills: Cooking-10, Mech-8, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-10, Cleaning-9
Friends: 17
School: Art, GPA 4.0
LTW: 30 / 50 Dream Dates
Skills: Cooking-10, Mech-8, Charisma-9, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-10, Cleaning-5
Whispering Winds Value: $56,024
1 BradfordCourt Value: $7,245
2 BradfordCourt Value: $7,687
Wow, that is a LOT of dating! And SimRowan is very pretty--she's wearing one of my favorite hairs. :) It's funny that your husband and best friend want in the game, yet don't play it.
Which explains why they want in it. They don't know that you can torture them or accidentally kill them off... at least your best friend warned you about no ugly townie marrying. ;)
You're sims are cleaning up on their dates! All mine get anymore are the stupid flowers. *pout*
Heh heh heh, SimRowan is a bit of self-flattery. I find it much harder to be honest when making my own simself, whereas Abbie and Grizou are pretty realistic. Although Grizou is based off what my husband probably looked like at 20 and thin. I didn't meet him till a few days before his 25th birthday. It's actually kinda sweet if a little bit of a cliche. We both got drunk at his birthday party, danced together till 4am, and we've been together ever since.
Abbie actually thinks that Billy Rainseeker is cute, although she thinks he's secretly gay. My plan is to slowly turn her into a simmer. She'd write much better stories than I do, because I want my sims to be happy, so there is very little drama in their lives.
Lisa, the key to getting presents from your dates is to make sure their needs are pretty high when they leave and make sure you don't have any sims in the room by the front door. Mostly I try to keep their needs high by making my dates as short as possible. Failing that I have my sims cook for them at the end of the date. While my sim is cooking the date has time to use the washroom, and then we fill up the hunger bar before sending them away. Doesn't always work, but I seem to get more presents when I follow those guidelines.
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