Well, it looks like the family has pretty much gotten over Debbie's death. Cora seems to be really popular, she's got tons of friends for a kid her age.

The newest victim of Serena's romancing ways is Andrea Hogan.

Debbie has chosen tonight to make her first appearance. The best part is that even though she died in human form she's haunting the family as a werewolf! So Awesome!

Yet another townie bites the dust at the feet of Serena.

Which is of course when Debbie chooses to express her disapproval of Serena's ways.
Woohoo Number 20!!!!! (with Andrea Hogan)

April has final earned her Silver Toy Making badge, but I think her gold one will have to wait for university. She leaves for college in a few days and she's got some skilling to do to earn some more scholarships.

Thanks for the tip Lisa! Debbie really has seemed a lot calmer than Tom and I've been sending someone out to mourn at her grave every couple of days to keep her peaceful. Although she seemed less vengeful than Tom to start with. Could be because she wasn't married to a little gold-digger that remarried within days of her death.

I just realised that poor Cora has spent her entire childhood attending public school so it's Headmaster time again. By the end of the meal the score stood at 46 Food, 40 Tour, 1 Schmooze.

So Cora was sent in to save the day. I have no idea if Jenn's checking in at the blog or not, but if you are, thanks for the tip about the headmaster liking kids! Cora earned the family 12 more schmooze points from one chat, which brought the score to 99. For some reason he didn't rush the expresso machine like normal.

April! How could you miss the toilet. You're standing right beside it, and yet you had to wet yourself? I'd look ashamed of myself too.

Tonight (Thursday) is Cora's birthday and April wanted to say good-bye to Orlando. I guess she'll miss him.
And here's Cora all grown-up. Not bad for a free-range sim!
Cora WetsteinAspiration: Fortune
LTW: Become Criminal Mastermind
Neat-2, Outgoing-10, Active-10, Playful-4, Nice-9
Turn-Ons: Fitness & Swimwear, Turn-Off: Cologne

April immediately got on the phone to college.
"Get me out of this mad house, I can't stand to watch my mother sleeping around a second longer."
I forgot to get a snap shot of her scholarships but she earned $5,500 (I think).

For once Serena falls in love first. Serves you right!

This is not my fault. The little townie kid that followed Cora home from school stayed too late and Sandy decided in the middle of the date that she was taking him home. Argh!
End of Round Review:SerenaFriends: 17 (12 Loves)
Work: Hall of Famer
LTW: 20/20 Woohoos
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-7, Charisma-10, Body-10, Logic-2, Creativity-4, Cleaning-3
Badges: Register-Bronze, Sales-Silver
AprilFriends: 10
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-7, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-10, Cleaning-8
Badges: Toy Making-Bronze
CoraFriends: 3
School: A+, Private
IW: $299/$100,000
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-2, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-7, Creativity-9, Cleaning-1
Household Value: $96,612Woohoo Central Value: $26,605
Hooray! Congratulations, again, on 20 WooHoos. Cora turned out pretty and now April is free from the crazy house of love. I guess no one told her that University tends to be just as bad. ;)
Yay! Congrats on the WooHoo LTW! I just had one of my sims reach the 20 loves one. *wipes brow* I think the Romance and Popularity related ones are the hardest.
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