These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Friday, February 16, 2007

Week 4 - Round 7 - 7 Maple Square (Cormier)

The Cormier family is, and always will be, dedicated to my mother. You see, these are her pets, past and present, that inhabit this home. Which may be why the story tends to centre around the pets more than the sims! Love you Mom!

What are you up to Kerie?

"Allo! I am returned by my most beautiful and kind Mistress Kerie" I see. It's a little disturbing that my gnomes talk. It's probably even more disturbing that they tend to be even more Frenglish than me. That's not a typo, it's a term my friends and I came up with in highschool to mean someone who uses french and english in the same sentence, and frequently can't remember the right word in the right language for the conversation being held at the moment. I'm pretty sure this is probably an issue anywhere were most people speak at least two languages.

Kerie has now discovered the wonder of the energizer. Other people praise the happy hats, I praise the energizer. Kerie wants to go to work in the morning but she's one of those sims that has difficult pregnancies. She's also trying to get a job with Fruit of the Loom.

"Stick, Stick, gotta get the stick!"

Way to go Kerie! Good choice! (Pats self on back)

With Kerie's pregnancy not going to well, Ricky's decided he'd go to the local pet store and buy the next pet. This is Annie. My beloved Annie! I love Annie! Ok, both sim Annie and real Annie have got to be one of my favorite dogs ever. Totally love Miller, and all the other dogs to follow, but Annie's just so great! Miss Annie here is a genius, friendly, and finicky, which pretty much makes her a RL Annie clone.

Annie just can't wait to get home and play with Miller.

Wow! Another good chance card. I had no ideas dogs could build robots, did you?

"Come here Annie"
"I will only come over there if you promise to paint my toenails pink"
(Yes, we did, and she loved it)

At least they got the beds right.

Umm, Annie, that's Miller's bone, and he's not very happy that you're using it.

Eventually Miller settled down with the other bone, and everyone enjoyed a good chew.

Sniff, Sniff, Hey! You smell like my sim!

I'm not sure why, but Miller has decided that this is his piddle spot. Because I didn't give him enough trees, bushes, and lawn ornaments to choose from. Yeah right. At least it's convenient to a door for easy clean up.

Miller keeps watching Annie, waiting for her to wake up and play with him. I kinda feel sorry for him, but it's so cute.

Baby Time!!!

Hence forth you shall be known as Garth Cormier. Garth seems to look mostly like his mother, thank god.

What do you know, Ricky's actually happy about the baby. I thought Romance sims were supposed to dread this sort of thing.

These are what is known as the Annie Crazies. She just goes rushing around for no apparent reason. I'm not going to train her out of it, because RL Annie is like that too.

Kerie spends all of her time with the dogs, leaving Ricky with all the childcare duties. The dogs are constantly asking her to play or to pet them.

Sheldon doesn't approve of Miller letting Neil get away with the Cormier's newspaper. What kind of watch dog are you anyway? I guess the operative word would be watch.

Annie's first bath. For the most part she's behaving like a lady, but it sucks when your human gets water in your ears.

Kerie does find some time to spend with Garth. Usually in the middle of the night when Ricky is sleeping. Kerie's constant want for expensive things has depleted the family's bank account, so most night's she just energizes and keeps learning to paint. Or train the dogs. I think she actually likes the fact that Garth is all hers in the middle of the night.

Should they have puppies together or not? I really want to know what you think. There will be one more adult male dog coming into the family next round. After he's been introduced you guys can decide wether Annie should have puppies with one of them, or we should keep buying dogs from the pet center. None of the dogs I plan to add to the game are the same breed, so we should get some interesting mixes.

Poor Miller never seems to win these challenges. Annie's the queen and she knows it.

"You know Kerie, it's been awhile since our last date...."

Which of course led to the bedroom.

Amber's timing couldn't have been better. She arrived to check up on Kerie just as the date ended.
"It looks like married life suits you Kerie, he hasn't cheated yet?"
"No, Ricky's a changed man, plus, I have him chained to the crib!"

Meanwhile, Ricky's feeding the baby, which just proves that Kerie's right!

This is what happens when you visit the Cormier's. They chat you up, tell you how good it is to see you, and the next thing you know, you're washign their bathroom for them.

What a suck! One game of fetch and you'll let her rub your belly, huh?

Sorry, I've run out of clever birthday things to say.

Garth Cormier
Neat-2, Outgoing-9, Active-2, Playful-6, Nice-7

OK, that's it. All of my sims are either mean, or lazy slobs. Rowan really needs to marry into the neighborhood. Technically I'm a Capricorn, but Rowan is a Virgo. Very Neat and Very Active, halfway nice.

Ricky's assigned the task of toddler skilling. I'm not sure it's a good idea to let Ricky influence Garth so much, but at least Ricky is permaplat.

Dog Party in the Yard! Too bad you can't open something like a dog daycare.

"Annie, there's a small pink dog eating from your pink bowl" (Miller)
"Cool! A pink dog, I like pink things" (Annie)

"You have nice dogs kid"
"I wouldn't know, I haven't met them yet."

See, I told you she liked pink things!

Awww, I feel sorry for Miller, but this is just too cute to pass up!

Quick! Hide the children, hide the fridge, hide the stove, it's Calista!

The Nanny's in the dog bath, the nanny's in the dog bath!

Yet another good chance card. This family seems to be blessed with good luck!

Father, must you bathe me in the dog bath. Yes son, I must. You see, the Plumbbob Diety hasn't seen fit to give us another bathtub for human use.

Roll Over Annie, roll over. Cute!

End of Round Review

Friends: 17, 1 Pet
Work: Visionary
Skills: Cooking-6, Mech-8, Charisma-7, Body-3, Logic-5, Creativity-10, Cleaning-5
Badges: Register - Bronze, Toy Making - Gold

Friends: 7, 2 Pet
Work: President
LTW: 0 / 6 Pets Reached Top Career Level
IW: $15,505 / $100,000
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-4, Charimsa-6, Body-1, Logic-8, Creativity-10, Cleaning-1

Skills: Charisma-5

Work: Seeing Eye Pet
Behaviors: Eats Pet Food, Playful, Respectful, Stays Off Beds
Commands: Come Here, Roll Over, Shake

Work: Understudy
Behaviors: Eats Pet Food, Respectful, Stays Off Beds
Commands: Come Here, Roll Over, Speak

Household Value: $77,556

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Garth is soooooooo cute. I love their dogs too.