These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Sunday, February 4, 2007

Week 3 - Round 6-2 - Sim State Uni - Whispering Winds

This round will encompass Ricky's Junior and Senior Year and Amber and Kirsty's Freshman Year. Gotta make space for the teens to follow. When we last visited Whispering Winds Ricky was busy Woohooing anything in a skirt and a few things that I'm not even sure are human. Can you guess what he's up to now?

Woohoo Number 10 with Rose Despret

Woohoo Number 11 with Rose Despret

Woohoo Number Twelve Anna Schehl

Woohoo Number 13 Elise Bui

I hope they don't realise that they're both here to leave gifts for Ricky.

It's 1:30 am, so Ricky is actually doing homework since he can't ask anyone out on a date at this time of night.

Good girls! By the time Ricky leaves college he'll be a rich sim!

I figured Ricky and Serena better hook-up now before her daughters move to Whispering Winds. Don't want to traumatise the girls any more than they already are.

Woohoo Number 14 with Serena Wetstein (which puts her at Woohoo Number 19)

Ah the powers of the love tub. They fell in love after woohooing!

Go Ricky! That makes 10 MakeOuts and 10 Loves!

I actually like Vyn now, having realised that she's actually a Knowledge sim, not Romance and pretty to boot, so she got a nice makeover, and once Ricky's passed away she can marry into one of the families.

Woohoo Number 15 with Vyn Carlson

Yeah, it figures that Don Juan here is excellent at lying, he's been in here for three hours and hasn't gotten zapped once.

Woohoo Number Sixteen with Melanie Gothier

Woohoo Number Seventeen with Elise Bui

Woohoo Number Eighteen with Lyndsay Ebadi

Woohoo Number Nineteen with Anna Schehl

Just to give you an idea of the dangerous game Ricky is playing he's got three of his girlfriends in the next room while he's romancing Anna.

WOOHOO NUMBER 20!!!!! with Vyn Carlson

Ricky's Hall of Fame

Here endeth Ricky's Junior Year. The girls moved into Kronos dorms. Kirsty's taste in clothes isn't too bad, but Amber has a serious lack of good taste. I forgot some shots, so by the time I started taking photos again both girls had joined Ricky at Whispering Winds, which is good because Kirsty was experiencing the same problem poor Sam had with her bar not opening up like it should. Both girls have also been accepted to the SS.

Hmm, somebody's been using our counters again...

This is so "The Magic of Disney" you can find the Disney Legacy here, it's absolutely hilarious.

I now completely understand everything about cleaning, I can even get coffee out of linen.

Yvette and Chase have been enemies since birth

Yvette, you're my hero, you kicked Man-Cow's butt!

The great thing about Knowledge sims is that they actually want to write term papers. Which is good because by the end of term their aspiration meters are pretty low.

Amber finally maxed out all her skills, which is actually harder in college since they never spin up the want to earn skills while here, which is annoying!

Having maxed out her skills, she new she needed something new to learn, and decided on floral arrangements. She's actually rather traditional.

Kirsty however found mechanics fascinating and was in awe of the very theory of artificial intelligence. She was sure she could be the one to figure it out.

The night before Graduation Ricky realised it was time to be a man and settle down. He chose Kerie Copur to be the lucky woman and proposed under a starlit sky.

They had slightly different reactions to this.

Kirsty has decided that the best way to prepare for finals is by getting in touch with her inner self. Amber just makes floral arrangements, saying that she finds it very soothing. BTW, I couldn't get a shot of either of them thinking of it, but they both made Big Sim on Campus.

These are all the things Ricky now has in his backpack. Between dates and visits to campus he's well set to start his new life. Speaking of which....

Not bad Ricky. I guess I don't completely hate you. After all, I let you have Kerie instead of Melanie (scary spiky hair girl with gorilla lips).

End of Round Review

Friends: family + 12
School: Physics, GPA 4.0
Impossible Want: 7/7 Skills Maxed Out
Badges: Florist-Bronze

Friends: family + 13
School: Literature, GPA 4.0
Impossible Want: 7/7 Skills Maxed Out
Badges: Robotery-Bronze

Friends: 17
School: Art, Graduated Summa Cum Laude
LTW1: 20/20 Woohoos
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-8, Charisma-7, Body-3, Logic-4, Creativity-10, Cleaning-3
Badges: Restocking-Bronze, Toy Making-Gold

WhisperingWinds Value: $49,653


Mao said...

Wow, congrats on all those woohoo's and fulfilling Ricky's LTW! I see he's settled down... I can't believe it's still attached and working after all that action, haha!

Lisa said...

WTG on all those LTWs and IWs. Ricky's adult spin was way better than his YA one. (Damn Maxis butt-ugly stuff, anyway)