Week 2 - Round 4 - Sim State Uni - Whispering Winds
A word of warning to the faint of heart, this is Uni, therefore very, very, very long. I've actually decided to give us all a break and instead of Uni being inserted once or twice in the rotation, which is the normal method, I'll be playing 1 yr Uni, 1 house, 1 yr Uni. This works fine for now as I only have 4 houses and they'll still return within the allowed amount of time. Once I'm up to 8 houses I'll be able to get away with a semester at a time. I'm sorry, but I almost fell asleep during this. I hope everyone approves of the new layout changes (again), I'm still finding all kinds of hidden stuff out there about how to accomplish the look I want on this new Blogger thing. Happy Simming : )
Sim State University
Sim State Dormitory (14 Rooms)
Aspiration: Popularity
LTW: Become Hall of Famer
Neat-5, Outgoing-8, Active-6, Playful-3, Nice-3
Turn-Ons: Blonde Hair & Underwear, Turn-Off: Facial Hair
Aspiration: Popularity
LTW: Become Captain Hero
Neat-4, Outgoing-10, Active-4, Playful-4, Nice-3
Turn-Ons: Hats & Formal Wear, Turn-Off: Blonde Hair
UGLY!!! Must be an SS member. Quick, add her to your contact list so I don't have to scroll through the campus directory looking for ugly sims. The only non-ugly sims in the SS tend to be romance, although I've met a couple who were family.
Aremis doesn't have his first class till 5pm, so he's getting to work on his Term Paper, looks like he's finding it pretty easy going. Bet you're glad I made you study now, aren't you Aremis? "Shhh, I'm being brilliant."
"EWWWWWW". Aremis isn't quite as picky and thinks she's pretty, but their chemistry ends up neutral.
Samantha had class very first thing but we're experiencing a glitch. She has all the skills required for the term and yet her bar won't open up to the full length. I tried having her change majors which didn't work, so I put her back in Drama, then I had her try earning another skill point to refresh the meter, and that didn't work. Even cheats aren't fixing her bar. If she doesn't pass her final exam with flying colors I'm going to have to quit without saving and go haunt the message boards until I find a fix. I've also noticed that my professors seem to fall in love with my students without any romantic interactions. Hurry up Pets patch!
"You want me to be friends with her?" Yes, I do. She's pretty, and in every college town I've ever played she's been in the SS, same goes for Blair Lind, although last time his name was James something and hers was Erin Anderson. Besides she can always marry one of your kids if you don't want her for yourself.
Werewolf on Campus!!! Yay! Now the party can really get started. EA/Maxis really should have included 'Clap for the Wolfman' with this pack. Yeah, I could do it myself, but I'm too lazy. It'd be nice if we could create entirely new radio channels instead of sticking our stuff in the premade channels.
"This thing is hard as a rock!" Well, make friends with some SS members so we can steal their artwork to start your Greek house. Love the jammies btw.
If this wasn't the sims I'd swear she has a crush on him. Look at the dreamy look on her face.
Daniel Chen, guaranteed to be a SS member because he's so damn ugly.
Demi?! What are you doing here? She's only made friends with Blair and Yvette and a couple of college kids lined up for future offspring. Nobody ugly or scary. And no blonde romance bombshells either. Well, I wonder which one of her new friends is not ugly AND a SS member.
"I'm makin' a list, checkin' it twice....lalala" Vyn Carlson (blonde bombshell most likely romance), the two fuglies, Melanie Gothier & Daniel Chen, Blair and Yvette (like I said), Vasyl Graham, Kerie Copur, and I see our culprit, Daisy Garth. I had no idea she was a SS member. Too pretty and doesn't strike me as a romance sim. I wonder where Viking Hat guy is though. Usually there's one. Oh well, time to steal some stuff from the SS and then back to create our greek house! As far as I know there's no rule against it, lol!
And now we return after giving my computer a rest from the awful drag to it's resources that is dorm life.
The next morning, Samantha told Aremis to pack his bags and get ready to follow her. Puzzled, but knowing Sam would never do anything to hurt him he did. They grabbed a quick taxi ride across campus and pulled up in front of a beautiful mansion (I downloaded it).
"Wow! What an amazing place, who's is it?" he asked.
"Ours now," she said "I bought it this morning with our joint dorm money.
"But we didn't have enough for this."
"Yeah, well, let's just say that some friends 'donated' to the cause"
"You'll find out soon enough," she said with a secretive smile.
Aspiration: Fortune
LTW: Criminal Mastermind
Neat-4, Outgoing-7, Active-8, Playful-3, Nice-3
Turn-Ons: Fitness & Full-Face Makeup, Turn-Off: Black Hair
Cadence was Samantha's highschool sweetheart. I just hope her heart won't be broken when she finds out she won't be marrying Samantha.
Incidentally the move here fixed whatever the glitch was with Sam's school meter, so now she has plenty of time to talk-up the bride I've chosen for her. She and Cadence are only friends now, but Cadence has a fear of Sam rejecting her for engagement, so I hope it won't be an issue. Sam and Aremis spin up wants constantly for all their friends to join them in college, so I've decided they're allowed one sim per Year. Next year will be Aremis' turn unless Sam needs the boost more.
Aremis and Cadence seem quite please with some of the redecorating I put in place after they moved in to make it more Greek House like!
Hah! I first Greek letter!
Aremis has discovered the secret room with all the career reward objects we swiped for the Greek House. Who knows, one day we may even return some of this, lol.
I love Fortune and Knowledge sims, they actually want to write their term papers!
Awg! Streaker alert! Bet your sorry now that I moved you to college.
Um, Phoenix, her face is a bit higher up. And yes, they're real pixels.
Well, Sam and Aremis are onto their second semester and I decided to replace the pool table with a hottub. For all that it was a huge room they complained about the walls, and this is one more place they can woohoo without falling asleep after when I decide to start letting them have dates.
Amazing, Cadence has been here less time than Aremis but she joins the secrety society before he does. Man I wish I'd remembered to install the no abductions hack.
One good thing about the abduction, this is one of the few items I left at the SS headquarters. Cadence seems to really like it.
Just a typical day in the life of a Uni student, term papers, pizza, a broken microwave, and that one person who actually cooks for themselves.
Our very first toga party which also happens to be Aremis' first date with Tina. Hope everything works out well, they're not quite best friends yet, although at least I'll be guaranteed red-headed children! This town has a lot of red-heads (appearance was randomized too, it just happened) and it would be a shame for all that red hair to disappear in one generation. Bobby's decided since nobody's paying attention to him he'll go swimming, afterall, I haven't given the Rainseekers a pool yet. Billy sits all alone on one of the few crappy pieces of furniture left eating chips. At least the crumbs will get in the torn up cushions. What a considerate child. Samantha gets to know the OTHER red-headed Popularity sim. You'd figure these two would have met by now, but apparently not. They were friends by the end of the party. Aremis had a DD with Tina and even found time to spend with his younger uncles. Aw, cute! Gotta maintain those family relations afterall. Yay! Aremis has successfully thrown the first roof raising party! Poor Cadence missed the whole party, first she had a final exam, and then she wandered off to visit campus, and then she had a class, and then, hah just kidding, that's all.(These were originally intended as individual shots until I noticed that I'd taken 49 pictures for this blog, hence, some compiling)
Love is in the air at the university, it seems that everyone is pairing off. I could curse Sam though, right in the middle of her date with Jasmine she rolls up the want to fall in love with Cadence. Funny thing is, Jasmine is a Fortune sim too! I went from having none, to at least two.
For every man who is or ever was a teenage boy dreaming about college co-eds! Two hot college chicks making out!
Ok, there's another hack I have to go find. The one that tells them that pizza belongs on the counter, not whatever end table/coffee table is closest.
Don't worry Aremis, this is a good thing. Well, really for you it doesn't matter, but it gives me points so away you go. Hopefully by the time the next gen gets here I'll remember to not have them abducted.
Freshman Year finally ends. Lord college takes long. Especially with 3 sims all of whom need to build relationships. Well Aremis and Sam don't NEED to, but I'm trying to see if I can get them each 20 or 30 Best Friends (whichever it is that's the impossible want). Cadence needs to because she doesn't know anyone. That would explain why none of her friends ever called Sam when they dated back in highschool.
End of Round Review:
Aremis Rainseeker
Friends: family, 16 non-family, 15 best friends
School: Biology, GPA 4.0
Skills: Cooking-2, Mech-8, Charisma-3, Body-8, Logic-8, Creativity-8, Cleaning-7
Cadence Jalowitz
Friends: 4
School: Literature, GPA 4.0
Skills: Cooking-3, Mech-3, Charisma-4, Body-4, Logic-5, Creativity-6, Cleaning-1
Samantha Belleosi
Friends: Eddie, 18 non-family, 14 Best Friends
School: Drama, GPA 4.0
Skills: Cooking-3, Mech-8, Charisma-8, Body-4, Logic-9, Creativity-9, Cleaning-1
Greek House Value: $30,136
Wow, that's a lot of University! You got quite a bit done, too. I never bother anymore, I just shoot them straight through with the college clock; no Big Sims on Campus or Secret Society for me. I hate University with a burning passion... so boring.
It's too bad about the University bug. There's a ton of fixes at http://www.moreawesomethanyou.com/smf that take care of a BUNCH of leftover nuances and whatnot from Maxis code. A few are truly vital. If you haven't already been there, check it out... especially J.M. Pescado's stuff.
Yep, Uni definitely is a snoozefest, but you made it sound fun!
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