These are the stories of the citizens of Knowlton - A Sims 2 Prosperity Challenge. If you love it, if you hate it, if you saw something you wanted to talk about, PLEASE leave comments. I'm a sad pathetic human, and I live for comments.

For those of you not familiar with what a Prosperity Challenge is, it's a Sims 2 Challenge in which the main focus is to build a prosperous community from scratch. There are a few catches though, everything, including your starting families are determined by the role of a dice (or in my case a randomizer). For the complete rules and setup you have two options the Yahoo! Group or the BBS thread at the official site.

The quick low down on the newly created Knowlton; Knowlton is completely deserted. It's set out in a grid, so at some point in the past it may have even been a city, but that may have been hundreds of years ago, because other than roads for miles around all you see is grass plains. Four daring families have decided (okay have been forced) to make a new start here. So come meet these daring folks, hear their stories, and wish them luck folks, they're going to need it! To start from the beginning click here.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

Week 2 - Round 4 - Luworld Home

Authors Note: You may notice several changes in the blog. Trust me, it'll keep coming for awhile yet. The blog is evolving and will probably keep evolving as I notice things on other peoples sites/blogs that I think would be handy over here, or as I think of new and better ways to do things. I've build plenty of websites before, but this is my first time working within the constraints of a blog, so I'm constantly discovering new ways to accomplish things over here, while still keeping the blog feel. As usual comments are welcome, in fact highly anticipated, and that includes comments about layout/functionality of the website. And for heaven's sake, if you spot grammer or spelling errors please tell me so I can fix it. I find it very hard to proof-read my own writing since my brain tends to see what I intended to write, not what I actually wrote. I've also decided to move the family trees to the beginning of each chapter as a reminder of who is involved in each chapter and how they're related to each other. I've also changed the rotations to Monday 10pm - Thursday 10pm, Thursday 10pm - Monday 10pm. I hate quitting when I'm in the middle of something. Enjoy the read and happy simming, and remember to check back daily since I try to post a minimum of one chapter per day, usually two.

Thursday night passed in a blur of punching bag excercise for the adults, painting for Tara, and Mr. Wabbit for Loretta. By late Friday morning Loretta had 8 points of charisma (scholarship) and had moved on to shape recognition. Unfortunately she seems to find this very puzzling, lol.

Poor Loretta's trying to tell Calista that she's tired and stupid Calista keeps trying to get her milk from the fridge that she can't open.

"Finally, my nice soft, pretty, pink crib"
I actually had to put the fridge into Loretta's backpack to remove the distraction so Calista would finally put her down for a nap. Poor child. Everyone repeat after me "We hate Calista"

Sierra's trying to run before they realise that she broke their tv. Calista seems to think this is a great thing.

The rest of the family gets home and immediately gets all the nasty stuff like homework and skilling for promotions out of their way. Meanwhile Sierra's joined the little townie kid that Tara brought home at the chess table. Gotta get everything done though, because tonight is Tara's birthday.

Tara should have grown up and hour and a half ago, I'm kinda curious how long it's going to take her to do it on her own.

I swear she chose this outfit herself. Monica's legacy truly lives on in this one.

Tara Luworld
Aspiratation: Forturne
LTW: Have 6 Pets Reach The Top Career Level
Neat-2, Outgoing-8, Active-2, Playful-6, Nice-7
Turn-Ons: Facial Hair & Black Hair, Turn-Off: Make-Up

Cripes! We actually caught them with their clothes on, trust me, unless they're working out the tend to run around in their underwear.

Now that the she's a teenager, Tara helps out with Loretta. Of course, Loretta won't need help for long now.

Grayson got fired for taking perscription cold pills. So not his fault. I sent Tara out to play redhands with him without thinking about the fact that she was in her underwear. I really don't care for the way he's looking at her. He doesn't view her as family you see.

Loretta grew up without fanfare, although she did grow up well. Apparently Grayson is the only one in this family not obsessed with pink.

Monica is stinky, and yet strangely satisfied. Plus she never has to get all sweaty again unless she gets fat.

Tara woke up Saturday morning and realised that if she was going to go to college she wanted to do so with LOTS of scholarships. She'd already earned the Quigley Visual Arts Grant, so next she decided she wanted the London Culinary Arts Scholarship, that was easy it just took a couple of hours of studying to get her there. After that she decided she wanted the Hogan Award for Athletes, so she went out and started going crazy on the bag.

NO NO NO!!!! Calista has corrupted the youngest Luworld. Loretta actually likes the crazy old bat. As you can see from the TVs position, it's been repaired. As with real life everything went bad all at once. Monica lost $15,000 for doing a commercial, Grayson got fired for taking cold pills, the dishwasher(Loretta) and the tv(Sierra) were broken. To top it off, the next day Monica was feeling a bit under the weather, and remembering what happened to Grayson decided to take an herbal remedy instead, which cost her two charisma points. At least Grayson's back in the athletic career track now.

Tara may be busy earning scholarships, but she still has time to spend hours on the phone with her friends. Like most teenagers.

Calista's up to her old tricks, she started making a sandwich and then decided to leave it on the counter. Why is she here if Tara is here you ask? Because Loretta likes her. That's the only reason I haven't fired the crazy old bat. Yet.

No, despite the evil look on her face, her lemonade is not that bad, Grayson has caught the flu. This poor family is just not having a good weekend.

Ah, our first paying customer. This lemonade stand may be cute but it's a nuisance, they gain little from it, pop-up wants about it a lot, and meantime they sit there with their motives going down and nothing to show for it. Sigh.

And now she's working on her Kim Metro Prize for Hygienics.

I couldn't resist giving her a crown when she chose the princess dress, she's actually much prettier than most of my born-in-game sims.

It seems almost a shame to try to change her into a werewolf when she's so pretty, but werewolves are supposed to be great pet trainers.

And then there were two leaders of the pack. Wonder how they decide who's boss today. Tara is petting Baxter and the one who just arrived is Diddy.

Diddy seems to be a bit jealous of all the attention Baxter is getting. By the time Baxter took off Tara had a 63 daily 3 lifetime relationship with him. I just hope he comes back.

What a little cheater! Yeah, that's right kid, your as crooked as a mountain road all right.

Yes! We finally fired Calista, she doesn't even look upset about it.

Loretta seems to find her homework much less puzzling than Tara did.

Tara brought home Eddie, so after doing her homework, and feeding him I sent them both to the chess table since the only skill scholarship that Tara still needs is the Will Wright Genius Grant. Actually I think that's all Eddie and Tara have in common is their obsession with college and scholarships.

End of Round Review:

Friends: family, 2 non-family
Work: Superstar
Skills: Cooking-2, Mech-4, Charisma-4, Body-10, Logic-1, Creativity-7, Cleaning-2

Friends: family, 10 non-family
Work: MVP
Skills: Cooking-7, Mech-3, Charisma-4, Body-10, Logic-9, Creativity-7, Cleaning-9

Friends: family, 8 non-family, 1 pet friend (Baxter LoP)
School: A+, Private
Skills: Cooking-8, Mech-8, Charisma-8, Body-8, Logic-7, Creativity-9, Cleaning-8

Friends: family, 2 non-family
School: B+, Public
Skills: Cooking-4, Mech-4, Charisma-8, Logic-6, Creativity-5, Cleaning-1

Stay tuned for the next episode in which we visit the Wetstein House. Serena will be having her mystery baby and we'll see if she manages to squeeze any more victims with the little one on her hands. Not to mention, how much longer will the CAS elders hold on. Will Debbie be able to get her LTW and net me 20 points all at once before she dies? And with three teenage girls running around the house will there ever be peace?

1 comment:

Mao said...

Lemonade stands are really only useful if you already have a venue running on the lot. That's the only time I've ever managed to turn a profit with one.

Calista was like some sort of horrible hex on this poor family! Thank goodness she's gone. And do I see a pets LTW for Tara? Wow, that ought to be fun. I haven't fulfilled that one yet myself.